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其中的一些将不受欢迎。Some of this will be unpopular.

他是一个不得人心的国王。He's an extremely unpopular king.

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他因观点郴受级迎而见弃于社会。His unpopular views him a social leper.

这种工作作风到哪儿都吃不开。Such a work style is unpopular anywhere.

黑莓手机决非不流行。By no means are BlackBerry phones unpopular.

不管正确与否,这个表达法是不通俗的。Correct or not, the expression is unpopular.

安提奥克在股东之间确实不受欢迎。Antioco was really unpopular among shareholders.

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所以那些人当然会不受欢迎。So these people, of course, were very unpopular.

立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act.

克林顿还支持不大受欢迎的新税法。Mister Clinton also supported unpopular new taxes.

注意程序重写员通常都是不受欢迎的。Notions about application rewrites are often unpopular.

爱炫耀自己的才能的人通常是不受欢迎的。One who loves tooting his own horn is usually unpopular.

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他必须对一场不得人心的战争作出艰难抉择。He will have to make tough decisions about an unpopular war.

提尔森首次不受东道主欢迎是在2001年。Mr Tilson first made himself unpopular with his hosts in 2001.

观众大喝倒彩,将那位不受欢迎的演员撵下了舞台。The audience shouted down the unpopular actress off the stage.

据说,张成泽不得人心,而且与多名高官不和。Chang is said to be unpopular and at odds with some top generals.

他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.

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杰克是老大,他从不惧怕去作出那些不受欢迎的决定。Jack was the boss and he wasn't afraid to make unpopular decisions.

不过,虽然父王倍受尊崇,但这位王子却懦弱且不得人心。But while his father is revered, the prince is feared and unpopular.

这个国会议员为了支持这个不受欢迎的法案而甘冒风险。The congressman stock his neck out to support this unpopular purpose.