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我可以一心二用。I can multitask.

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每个人都要学会一心多用啊Everyone managing to multitask.

我们能够同时做多件事是否是一个谬论呢?Is it a fallacy that we're able to multitask?

当然作为一名又忙工作又照顾家庭的人,我在独享电视的同时往往会做些其他事情。Of course being the juggler that I am, I tend to multitask as well.

你们一边思考一边听我说And while you're thinking about it, i am hoping you can multitask a bit.

您说对于人们喜欢一心多用有生物学方面的原因?And you say there’s a biological explanation for why we love to multitask.

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胆子放大,攻得更猛,看看您能否找出比我们更聪明的办法。Split your forces and multitask. See if you can find more elegant solutions than ours.

当我们处理多任务的时候,实际上是把时间切碎并在多个任务上快速切换。What we do when we multitask is devote tiny slices of time to several tasks in rapid succession.

我们在看电视时,在电脑上进行多重任务,并且认为我们正在“看”电视。We multitask on the computer, with the TV on in the background, and believe we are “watching” TV.

我们可不能支持多任务处理,特别是在学习新东西的时候。We don’t multitask as well as we think we do — especially when it comes time to learn new material.

它可以让你处理多个应用,你可以在他们自己的窗口上运行基于DOS的程序。It let you multitask multiple applications, and you could run DOS-based programs in their own windows.

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将这归咎于「感知限制」。他们大脑的多工能力不像严厉的监工者那麽优秀。Blame it on "cognitive limitations. " Their brains can't multitask as well as those of the taskmasters.

绝不要低估因手机引起的使你不断进入多重任务的危害。Don't underestimate the damage caused by allowing your cellphone to constantly require you to multitask.

我们为了弥补不能一心多用,而有了极快的连续处理单项任务的能力。We compensate for our inability to multitask with a remarkable ability to single-task in rapid succession.

实际窗口极小,是一个必须具有为所有用户定期谁多在几个应用程序在一个时间。Actual Window Minimizer is a must-have for all users who regularly multitask in several applications at a time.

文中讨论了多任务调度原理及实现实时多任务控制的有关管程设计等问题。This paper covers the principles of multitask scheduling and monitor design of the real-time multitask control.

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研究人员还发现被试者并没有真的在同时做多个任务。The researchers also found the subjects, while appearing to multitask simultaneously, were not actually doing so.

汤、沙拉、水果、蔬菜、整体五谷和精瘦的蛋白质是这些健康食物的例子。Soups, salads, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein are examples of these healthy foods that multitask.

惯性组合导航系统是多处理机多任务的舰用分布式实时系统。The inertial integrated navigation system is a warship distributed realtime system which has multiprocessor and multitask.