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但是他还是错过了最大的影片奖项。But the biggest film accolade eluded him.

奥斯卡金像奖是好莱坞最高荣誉奖。In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.

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奇怪的是,日元或许更配得上这个荣誉称号。Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade.

重生,会带来荣曜梦想成就的同步。The renewal leads to a syncronistic dream accolade of achievement.

面对灿烂的阳光更有一副好心情迎接一天的开始!Facing the sun is more of a good mood accolade for the beginning of one day!

四家餐馆获授予三星级餐馆的最高荣誉称号。Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three-star rating.

我很少像这样激动得说不出话来,但我感到非常荣幸。Rarely am I left speechless, but I feel honored," Lopez told People of their accolade.

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“没错儿”我答道,同时感受着刚来自孪生哥哥的极大赞许。"Yep, " I answered, recognizing the immense accolade I had just received from my twin.

Ckantor的传递基础是散文诗,它是通过人类聚焦在梦想时间,体验变革进而荣曜变革来传递的。Ckantor is a poetic prose based accolade of foray of expressing the focus of dreamtime.

我很少说不出话来,但我觉得很荣幸,”洛佩茨告诉人们他们的荣誉称号。Rarely am I left speechless, but I feel honored, " Lopez told People of their accolade."

散文诗咒语就是一种可以荣曜一个新的偶发事件的序列,让人们去经历相对光明的偶发事件。Prose incantations can accolade a new sequence of happenstance that is lighter to experience.

他在德国U17充分发挥他在队中的核心作用帮助德国U17拿到欧洲杯冠军。The accolade coincided with his starring role in Germany's European U17 Championship triumph.

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本片可以不需要这项好莱坞的最高嘉奖,它已经成为了一个传奇。This film can manage without Hollywood's ultimate accolade. It's built its own legend already.

仲裁裁决应为终极裁决,对双方均存在束缚力。The adjudication accolade shall be final and has acknowledged bounden armament to both abandon.

能让米其林的察访员在休息日来我的餐厅,是目前对我最好的赞誉。To have the Michelin inspectors come to my restaurant on their day off, is the best accolade yet.

如果它真的存在,那么诺将委员会不可能让霍金博士等待这个当之无愧的盛誉太久。But if it is, the committee is unlikely to make Dr Hawking wait for what would be a richly deserved accolade.

他们俩凝视对方的眼睛,又创造了一个神圣联盟的偶发事件,点燃内心真我的荣曜。The two gaze into each others eyes and cause a happenstance of a union divine to ignite in a heart accolade of self.

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他们的联盟是神圣的,荣曜着甜蜜,他们各自的真我,内在的真我又再一次地点燃了,进入到幸福之中。The union is divine and the accolade sweet and the self of the self within each ignites again into bliss in the retreat.

杰拉德已经收到了另一个光彩的荣誉,有消息说,他已经被uefa欧洲足球协会联盟的网站用户票选进2007之队。Steven Gerrard has received yet another glowing accolade with the news that he has been voted into UEFA. com users' team of 2007.

这位身体虚弱、深色眼眼睛的年轻女子,正在竞争1913年度“普里克斯罗马奖”。The frail, dark-eyed young woman was vying for the greatest accolade in music—the hotly contested Prix de Rome for the year 1913.