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是那有衬里的舒适棉被吗?The cozy bedsheet with lining?

搬进来了,没有床单和被套。There is no bedsheet and quilt cover here.

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她弄平了床单上的皱褶。She smoothed away the creases from a bedsheet.

暗夜梦魇如浪潮般涌来。Nightmares in the night bedsheet like an ocean.

WB用自带的床单做“门帘”,我们躲在卧铺卡位里添穿衣服。Use a bedsheet as a door-curtain, we hide inside our cart to put on more clothes.

她缩起肩膀,用床单把自己裹了起来,乖乖地接着读了下去。She narrowed her shoulders and covered herself with the bedsheet as she obediently read on.

一起选床单和窗帘的颜色,还有家里的每样家具,装修的时候亲自到现场监督。Choose bedsheet and curtain together with you, and all the furniture, supervise by ourselves when fitment.

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床单上留下了处子的血,那血,比挂在局长办公室墙上的国旗还要红。Her virgin blood drop on the bedsheet and is more reddish than the color of the national flag in the room.

在英国驻Prague大使馆的工作人员们习惯了半夜被求助电话吵醒,最近的一次是一个人裹着床单来到大使馆。In Prague the embassy staff are accustomed to being woken at night by calls from the incapable, one recently turning up at the embassy wearing only a bedsheet.

是存在而不能言的东西,意味不能走进?面的东西,但这就是它的吸引之处,它提供正统以外的渠道,而世界的运作往往就在这种非正式的方式一直在进行。Under the bedsheet is the Second Reality which exists there but intangible and un-presentable. This is precisely its attractiveness. It is the alternative channel that makes the world turning.