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那是一个古代的蓄水池。It is an old cistern.

止住水箱溢水。Stop the overflow from the cistern.

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贮水池五分钟就流干。The cistern empties in five minutes.

他还在储水箱上设置了浮球阀系统。He also devised a float valve system for the cistern.

固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验。Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking.

带有低水位水箱的抽水马桶。拖动到墙的边缘。Wall toilet with low-level cistern. Drag to the edge of a wall.

在下面找到一个小贮水器接雨水。A small cistern was dug beneath this opening to hold rain water.

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管子以开口一端插入部分装有水银的槽内。The tube is placed open end in a cistern partially filled with mercury.

拆蓄水池实际上就是拆除进水管和溢流管的事情。Removing a cistern is simply a case of undoing the inlet and overflow pipes.

你会看到我腹中涌出活水,从一处隐秘的泉源汨汨流出来。What do I see?My cistern seems to fill as it flows. A secret spring is at work.

固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验无液气压计。Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers.

有一天,她在自己口袋中塞满了石头,转身跳入了一个水池,溺水而亡。One day she put rocks in her pocket and stepped into a cistern where she drowned.

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充分建立囊腔与脑池和蛛网膜下腔的交通,是手术成功的关键。It is important to communicate cystic cavity with subarachnoid space or brain cistern.

流便回到坑边,见约瑟不在坑里,就撕裂衣服。When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes.

发生脑脊液漏4例,经腰大池置管引流后均在1周内痊愈。Cerebrospinal leakage was found in 4 cases but cured within 1 week by lumbar cistern drainage.

目的总结腰大池置管引流在脑肿瘤切除术中的辅助作用。Objective To summarize the auxiliary role of lumbar cistern drainage in brain tumor resection.

她说她在楼下水箱在楼上时,听起来好像它在跟她说话。She says it sounds like the cistern is talking to her when she’s downstairs and it’s upstairs.

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开放脚间池有助于预防和治疗脑积水。Opening the interpeduncular cistern can minimize the occurrence of postoperative hydrocephalus.

三名童子在庭中戏水船,彩瓷缸开放著粉色的荷花。Three children are playing in the garden by a colorful porcelain cistern planted with pink lotuses.

即冰箱、炉台、水槽三者之间等距,呈等边三角形。Namely stage of freezer, furnace, cistern 3 person between equidistant, show an equilateral triangle.