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他是我童年时的玩伴。He was my playmate in childhood.

布鲁托是我们最喜欢的宠物和玩伴。Pluto was our favorite pet and playmate.

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那个男孩绕着街区追逐他的玩伴。The boy chased his playmate around the block.

而37英寸高的小马戴西也非常乐意帮助自己的玩伴。And the 37-inch high horse is more than happy to help her playmate.

我和妻子都特别喜欢动物。布鲁托是我们最喜欢的宠物和玩伴。My wife andIwere especially fondofanimals. Pluto was our favorite pet and playmate.

它会来看看是否有个玩伴在那里等着它,陪着那位老人。She would look to see if a playmate awaited her there, keeping company with the old man.

我不知道天上有我的什么游伴把这些船放下来同我的船比赛!I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats!

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我不知道天上的哪位伙伴将白帆送下凡间来与我的小小纸船竞赛。I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats.

我不知道我天空里的哪些玩伴送她们乘风而下,与我的纸船竞赛!I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats !

它的歌词描写了一头叫做波夫的龙和其小男孩玩伴杰克?派波之间的甜蜜而又痛苦的故事。The lyrics tell a bitter-sweet story of the dragon Puff and his playmate Jackie Paper, a little boy.

五年来我一直是她的全能偶像和圣诞老人,伙伴和玩伴,父亲和朋友。For five full years now I've been her sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and father and friend.

他曾是他们儿时的玩伴,到他们十岁生日那一天便归他们自己所有了。He had been their childhood playmate and had been given to the twins for their own on their tenth birthday.

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雨江却退缩了,因为在他的心里,一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴鸭鸭。Pluvial river shrank back however, because be in his heart, living all the time when the playmate duck of orphanage.

于是星孩就跟着樵夫的孩子一块儿睡、一块儿玩,一块儿长大了。So the Star-Child was brought up with the children of the Woodcutter, and sat at the same board with them, and was their playmate.

我想到直到现在,他还是相当肯定他的青梅竹马是完全倾心于他的,这段感情在他的掌握之中。I think until now, he is still so sure this little playmate is all for him, and this relationship is totally within his control and lead.

“我三岁的时候,有个经常穿着一件白色裙子的玩伴,”但那时除了马洛塔·洛普里昂夫人以外没有人见过她的那个玩伴。“When I was 3 years old, I had a playmate who always wore this beautiful white dress, ” she said. No one else ever saw the friend, though.

他是我小时候那帮玩伴中公认为最笨的一位,现在却成了某乡镇企业的一把手。He was my childhood playmate in the gang recognized as the most stupid one, and now has become the top leader of a township and village enterprises.

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在伟大领袖列宁的青少年时光里,我有幸成为他的玩伴儿。因他的母亲和我的母亲是姐妹俩。When our great leader, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a teen-aged boy, I was fortunate enough to be his playmate. For his mother and my mother were sisters.

“怎么,你认得你的淘气的小女朋友么?”伯爵夫人说。鲍里斯吻吻娜塔莎的手,并且说,她身上发生的变化使他感到惊讶。"Well, would you know your mischievous little playmate?" said the countess. Boris kissed Natasha's hand, and said he was surprised at the change in her.

他们认识她已多年了,并且从童年时代起,她就是一个讨人喜欢的游伴,她会骑马,会爬树,几乎比男孩子毫不逊色。They had known her for years, and, since their childhood, she had been a favorite playmate , for she could ride horses and climb trees almost as well as they.