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癌症源自于一个单细胞。Cancer arises from one single cell.

白云生处有人家。A little home stands where cloud arises.

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中国人认为疟疾是怎样产生的呢?Q. How do the Chinese think ague arises?

全由意念升起。All that we are arises with our thoughts.

当你的行为过火时问题就出现了。The problem arises when you go overboard.

换句话说,真理在错误之上出现。In other words, truth arises out of error.

问题源自不接受。The problem arises out of your non-acceptance.

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所以,像脚趾甲向内生长这种问题就会增多。Thus the problems like ingrown toenail arises.

这样就正如我说的,起源的问题就来了。And so, as I say, the question of agency arises.

当他进房间时她从椅子上站起来。She arises from her chair when he entered the room.

歧义多因为多义词和同义词引起的。Amibiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy.

妥协的空气时起时伏。From time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises.

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你且去查考,就知道没有申言者是出于加利利而兴起的。Search and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee.

这个最清晰的例子,同情感一同出现了。And the clearest case of this arises with the emotions.

如果其中某种情况发生了,您将如何应对呢?What should you do when one of these situations arises?

也清楚他不过是逢场作戏。Know he is just find amusement when the occasion arises.

突发面色青紫或苍白。Arises suddenly the facial color blue and purple or pale.

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发生合伙协议约定的事由。The cause stipulated in the partnership agreement arises.

这一领域的混淆来自于概念上的错误。The confusion in this area arises from a conceptual error.

成功来自耐心、毅力和磨炼。Successs arises from patience, perseverance, and endurance.