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地板、支架、横梁四角支撑式结构。Floor, pedestals, stringer are four-sides support structure.

对于斯丁格和伊旺,底线永远是底线。The bottom line, for Stringer and Avon, is always the bottom line.

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麦克米兰弗格森是桑普拉斯的个人穿线师。Nate Ferguson is Pete Sampras' personal stringer and racquet technician.

支架、横梁及特殊的斜撑设计为高承载,高强度奠定了坚实的基础。Stringer , Pedestal and typical rod with high-mechanic strength and loading capacity.

这清楚地表明现任CEO霍华德•斯金格会把索尼的权杖交给他。The move was part of a clear signal that Howard Stringer would pass the baton to him.

投资者指出,索尼及公司首席执行官斯金格对这起数据安全危机的处理手法十分拙劣。Investors said Sony and chief executive Stringer had botched the data security crisis.

在悬索桥的纵梁和横的连接处,纵梁的腹板上发生开裂。Stringer webs have cracked in suspension bridges at the stringer-floor bean connections.

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在地板上驯弓后,接下去的我就把弓弦装上了,拉动两翼。After floor tillering, the next thing I do is put my bow stringer on it and excercise the limbs.

尽管斯特林格的职业并非微镜技术人员,但过去60年来他一直对硅藻类感兴趣。Though Stringer is not a microscopist by trade, he has been interested in diatoms for over 60 years.

带鱼去处理间的路上,他偶然撞见了第二个渔夫,带着一吊串小鲦鱼。On the way to the cleaning shed, he ran into a second fisherman who had a stringer with a dozen baby minnows.

并计算施工过程中墩顶必须承受的最大水平拉力以及钢纵梁的最大轴向压应力。The maximum horizontal force that the pier must resist and the longitudinal stress of the stringer are studied.

曼哈顿区主席斯科特斯特林格是许多政治和宗教领袖支持谁科尔多瓦楼。Manhattan Borough president Scott Stringer is among many political and religious leaders who support Cordoba House.

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应尽可能少地开临时出入孔并且禁止在舷顶列板和甲板边板上开孔。But temporary access openings to be provided as few as possible and not permitted on sheer strake and stringer strake.

斯特林格指出,减少产品数量意味着关闭业务、裁减人员,这对于一家日本公司来说是很难办到的。Mr. Stringer pointed out that cutting products would mean closing businesses and layoffs -- tough for a Japanese company.

有一种可能性是澳洲土著人是赶在其他种族开始迁徙之前迁出了非洲大陆,然而斯特林格尔认为不太可能。One possibility is that the Aboriginal Australian migration left Africa before everyone else, but Stringer thinks that is unlikely.

对于含裂壁板,采用劲条进行局部加强,可以阻止或延缓裂纹的扩展。Bonding a finite stringer over a local cracked region in a plate has been testified to be able to retard efficiently the crack growth.

在约克郡的另一头,在洪水淹没了自家筑于河边的房子后,55岁的罗伊·斯特林格已经体会到了气候变化带来的恶果。Across the other side of York, 55-year-old Roy Stringer has already felt the effects of climate change when his riverside home flooded.

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斯金格周四说,扩大3D电视机市场需要有节目支撑,但他没有想到获得电视节目有这么难。Mr. Stringer said Thursday that he didn't realize it would be so difficult to get the programming necessary to expand the market for 3-D TV.

“那么明确的是,社区董事会绝大多数成员认为,这项建议有其优点,”斯科特说斯特林格。"So what was clear was that the overwhelming majority of community board members thought that this proposal had merit, " said Scott Stringer.

穆龙套型金矿床以产于浅变质含碳质碎屑岩中和矿石呈石英网脉型及细脉型为特征。The feature of Muruntau-type gold deposits was which in the carbonaceous clastic rocks. and the ore was quartz stockwork and the stringer vein.