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海面下的战争正要开始。The undersea battle is about to begin.

跳过去在海底的道路的障碍。Jump over the obstacles on the undersea road.

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甲烷正在从海底永冻层中释放出来?Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost?

海面以下有大量的甲烷,一种就可以含有所有陆地的化石燃料两倍的碳。There are massive amounts of undersea methane.

但是一些人仍希望更多地理解关于海下机器人。But some wanted to hear more about undersea robots.

英国和法国被一条海底隧道连接起来了。Britain and France are connected by an undersea tunnel.

位于斐济某私人海岛上的世界第一所海下酒店。World's first undersea resort located on a private island in Fiji.

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电力随即通过海底电缆被送入离岸电网中。The electricity is then fed into an offshore grid via undersea cables.

橙色的圆鳍鱼始终在游动,海底的冰始终闪烁着绿光。All the while, the orange lumpsucker swims, and the ice glows green undersea.

我把海底的世界,同族统统忘光了,忘了。I forget up the undersea world, the consanguinity entirely forgot up, forgot.

我对电脑动画创造的精彩海底景色感到惊奇不已。I was amazed at the brilliant undersea scenery created by computer animation.

哈德菲尔德的球队包括美国航天局的宇航员,一个工程师和科学家的海底。Hadfield's team includes a NASA astronaut, an undersea engineer and a scientist.

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谷歌地球提供的不只是低空俯视海底山脉和海沟。Google Earth provides more than a fly-by look at the undersea mountains and trenches.

费里尼是在全球唯一的海底研究站宝瓶座珊瑚礁基地发言。Finelli spoke from the Aquarius Reef Base, the world's only undersea research station.

工作将在位于弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯的洛克希德·马丁公司水下系统工厂进行。Work will be performed at Lockheed Martin’s Undersea Systems facility in Manassas, Va.

碰触这个五彩斑斓的海底世界,看看大型的洄游鱼群,实在是美哉。Touch the colorful undersea world, look at the large migratory fish, is really beautiful.

中大西洋山脊名目收集了这个海底山脊区域的个样本。The Mid-Atlantic Ridge project collected 80000 specimens from this undersea mountain range.

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中大西洋山脊项目收集了这个海底山脊区域的80000个样本。The Mid-Atlantic Ridge project collected 80,000 specimens from this undersea mountain range.

因此,我们能够帮助美国海军更经济的应对日益增长的水下作战威胁。As a result, we're able to help the Navy affordably outpace growing undersea warfare threats.

窃听很酷的事情之一,可能是一个海底火山所谓的轴向海山。One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount.