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我不认识那位石像鬼。I did not know the gargoyle.

你不为什么不向怪兽的滴水嘴许愿?Why don't you wish on the gargoyle?

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其中一个人团着身子,憔悴得像房屋顶上的滴水嘴,问道。one of the men asked, as hunched and withered as a gargoyle.

也许我该问问这个滴水嘴兽,看样子他不说英语。Maybe I should ask the gargoyle.He doesn't seem to speak English.

也许我该问问这个滴水嘴兽,看样子他不说英语。Maybe I should ask the gargoyle. He doesn’t seem to speak English.

小小的滴水嘴兽只是一个填充毛绒玩具,但它看起来这么奇怪的事。The little gargoyle is just a stuffed toy, but it looks so strange.

在那些日子里,最臭名昭著的石像怪武士叫做格雷塔格麦伦。The most notorious Gargoyle fighter against mankind in those days was named Gratagmalem.

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我发现自己被卡住了,困在了雨水槽里,就像一头充了气的屋脊兽一样蹲在那里。I got snagged, found myself stuck on a facility gutter, and squatted there like an airy gargoyle.

城主的挫败感被一个从房顶穿过入室的恶魔打断了。His frustration was interrupted when the gargoyle from the roof came crashing through the ceiling.

我需要一些与常态相悖的东西提醒才能区分二者,比如发现自己搬着个滴水嘴兽雕像。I have to be triggered by something out of the ordinary, like noticing that I'm carrying a gargoyle.

德鲁伊自然变身元素型态将正确把德鲁伊分类为一个元素。The Polymorph spell's gargoyle form will now properly categorize the caster as a monstrous humanoid.

石像鬼旳爆发伤害很不错,不过邪系爆发应该由邪恶虫群以及天灾打击带来。Gargoyle does do nice burst damage, but that's at the expense of Unholy Blight usually, which in turn hurts your Scourge Strikes.

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石像鬼和虫群互换位置。石像鬼伤害增加每次扣的符文能量减少。Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle's damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.

那面墙不够厚,内部能容得下一个槽隙。看。那些怪兽头上的窗户。那些窗扉没有六尺厚。That wall is not thick enough to have that crawl space inside it. Look. There are windows above the gargoyle heads. Those casements are not six feet thick.

经过这么久的共同生活,杜波里已经知道了石像怪们具有极其冷静甚至是冷酷的智慧,任何假装不知道或是劝阻的企图都会被他们觉察出来,并导致他永远丧失这些石像怪的信任。Now Dupr?well knew the cool power of the Gargoyle intellect, and that any attempt to dissemble or dissuade would be immediately perceived, and would discredit him forever among the Gargoyles.