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乐观是什么呢?What is optimism?

为人诚实正派,乐观。Honest, upright and optimism.

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乐观也是有理由的。There are reasons for optimism.

这也是乐观的一个理由。This, too, is cause for optimism.

他的音乐给人一种乐观向上的感觉。His music coveys a sense of optimism.

乐观是一种健康的人生观。Optimism is a healthy outlook on life.

我们必须乐观地面对未来。We must confront future with optimism.

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这是乐观主义的基本行为。It is fundamentally an act of optimism.

但谨慎乐观是可以有的。But a humbler optimism may be justified.

这才是真正的理财乐观主义。That is what true financial optimism is.

不过他们的乐观可以自我实现。But their optimism can be self-fulfilling.

到现在为止,所有的推测都是乐观。For now this is all borne out of optimism.

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年轻人的乐观精神通常不可低估!The optimism of youth is often underrated!

我们必须乐观地面对未来。We must confront the future with optimism.

反之,乐观亦会传播。Conversely, optimism is also transmittable.

我奉劝你不要过于乐观。I would caution you against undue optimism.

但专家警告不要盲目乐观。But experts caution against full-blown optimism.

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她对该法案的通过表示乐观。She expressed optimism about the bill’s passage.

他们在乐观的调子中结束了讨论。They ended the discussion on a note of optimism.

它们把担心转换成快乐,把恐惧变成乐观。They turn worry into joy and fear into optimism.