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我知道这附近就有一家配眼镜的店。I know of a big optometrist store nearby.

他在一家大医院担任验光师。He served as an optometrist in a big hospital.

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你仍旧在你验光师约见的地方。You were still at your optometrist appointment.

请问您是检查眼睛还是配眼镜?Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist?

若是你要配眼镜,你要找去验光师。If you need glasses, you should see an optometrist.

并且,你的海盗验光配镜师为海盗们提供眼罩。Plus, your pirate optometrist supplied the men with eye patches.

请等一下,我们的验光师马上就来看你。Please wait a moment and our optometrist will be ready to see you.

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于是,他决议进入镇看到,假如他能找到一个验光师。So he decides to go into town to see if he can find an optometrist.

我应该看验光师还是眼科医师,作眼镜查抄时?I'm confused. Should I go to an optometrist or ophthalmologist for my eye exam?

我想打电话给你,你妈妈说你还在和你的验光师约会。I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment.

我设法给你打电话,可你的妈妈说你还在如约验光配眼镜呢。I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment.

清洁隐形眼镜与一个委员会认证的验光师的帮助以及在此免费视频。Clean your lenses well with the help of a board-certified optometrist in this free video.

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去一次眼科医院理论上是可以改变你的孩子的未来和希望的。"A trip to the optometrist can literally change your child's outlook and future, " adds Dr.

“对我来说,能回去工作是件大事,”卡斯特说,他是一位独立开业的验光配镜师。"For me, that's huge so I can get back to work, " said Kaster, a self-employed optometrist.

学习如何解决与一个委员会认证的验光师帮你在这个免费的视频眼镜。Learn how to fix your glasses with the help of a board-certified optometrist in this free video.

请大家每年向你的眼科视光师请教和做瞳孔放大眼睛检查。Please consult your Optometrist for Dilated Pupil Eye Examination to monitor your retina annually.

去一次眼科医院理论上是可以改变你的孩子的未来和希望的。"A trip to the optometrist can literally change your child's outlook and future, " adds Dr. Steele.

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了解如何避免在此免费视频的一个委员会认证的验光师的帮助雾镜头。Discover how to avoid foggy lenses with the help of a board-certified optometrist in this free video.

通过这些检测所得到的数据,验光师就可以判断你是否患有散光。Using the information obtained from these tests, your optometrist can determine if you have astigmatism.

了解如何调整与一个委员会认证的验光师在此免费视频帮助你的眼睛玻璃相框。Learn how to adjust your eye glass frames with the help of a board-certified optometrist in this free video.