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在法国比哈利波特还要成功。They've outsold Harry Potter in France.

在圣诞节,亚马逊的Kindle电子图书销量超过纸介图书。Kindle eBooks Outsold Paper Books on Christmas.

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轿车销量自2000年以来第一次超过卡车和SUV。Cars outsold trucks and SUVs for the first time since 2000

许多年来,柏加的销量远远领先于凯迪拉克。For many years, Packard outsold Cadillac by a wide margin.

本田单单凭旗下的一个牌子CR-V就已经比全部斯巴鲁在2007年的总销量还要多出219160辆.A single Honda model, the CR-V, outsold all the Subarus in 2007 by selling 219, 160 units.

那个月我们外卖纽卡斯尔布朗啤酒,所以我们知道我们要继续做些事。“That month, we outsold Newcastle Brown Ale, so we knew we were on to something, ” Easton says.

尽管茶很贵,每杯的价格还是比咖啡低。1825年之前茶的销量就超过了咖啡。Although tea was expensive, it cost less per cup than coffee, and before 1825 tea outsold coffee.

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英国有近百万人拥宝马3系,佔宝马总销量的大半。The 3 Series accounts for half of BMW's sales and at one stage even outsold the humble Ford Mondeo.

但是,他的新专辑“卷烟纸”,已大大超过了销量十万张,他先前的专辑。But his new album, "Rolling Papers, " has outsold his earlier albums by well over one hundred thousand copies.

但是雪佛兰在过去八年的六年当中销量都超过了福特,而福特上一次达到百万销量记录还是在1930年。But Chevrolet has outsold Ford in six of the past eight years, and the last million-car year at River Rouge was 1930.

我游玩了3000年这首歌已经卖破了几百万每个人买我们的第7张专集它已超过凯莉克拉克森。I took a trip to the year 3000. This song had gone multi-platinum. Everybody bought our 7th album. It had outsold Kelly Clarkson.

其次,在8月最后一周的新闻,索尼的Walkman数字音乐播放器在日本市场的销量四年来首次超越iPod。Next is the news that in the last week of August, Sony's Walkman DMPs outsold the iPod in Japan for the first time in four years.

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但是雪佛兰在过去八年的六年当中销量都超过了福特,而福特上一次达到百万销量记录还是在1930年。But Chevrolet has outsold Ford in six of the past eight years, and the last million-car year at River Rouge was 1930. Last year Mr.

作为上季度国内最卖座的头号艺人,他的唱片销量甚至超过了艾米奈姆、罗比-威廉姆斯、西城男孩、酷玩以及詹姆斯-布伦特。The country's biggest selling album artist of the last quarter, he outsold Eminem, Robbie Williams, Westlife, Coldplay and even James Blunt.

1989年柏林墙倒塌,带来了欧洲汽车市场的繁荣,在1992年宝马首次在欧洲市场销售额超过了奔驰。The 1989 collapse of the Berlin Wall led to a boom in car sales in Europe, and in 1992 BMW outsold Mercedes-Benz in Europe for the first time.

三个底特律汽车制造商都在报告收益,克莱斯勒率先比去年同期增加27.2%,今年第四次超过丰田销量。All three of the Detroit automakers reported gains, led by a 27.2 percent year-over-year increase for Chrysler, which outsold Toyota for the fourth time this year.

2006年,福特的F系列皮卡车销量超过丰田Tundra达67万辆,丰田的反应是将汽车的引擎功率从中等耗油量的4.7升加大到相当耗油的5.7升。In 2006, when Ford's F-Series pickup outsold the Tundra by 670, 000 units, Toyota beefed up the truck's engine from a modest 4.7 liters to a gas-guzzling 5.7 liters.

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通用公司已经在汽车领域统治了这么长时间,以至于工业界的统计人员无法意料到他最后会在一个季度内被另一个公司赶超。General Motors has ruled the auto industry for so long that industry statisticians scrambled to figure out when it last was outsold in a quarter by another automaker.

最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称的丰田汽车公司7月份销售量出现两位数的增长,在美国本土的月销量首次超过福特汽车公司。Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.

五月份,底特律三大汽车制造商的销量头一次被亚洲的竞争对手超过,而轿车十六年来首次位列全美汽车销售榜首。The three Detroit automakers were outsold for the first time ever by their Asian rivals in May, and a sedan was the top-selling vehicle in the United States for the first time in 16 years.