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“唧”一般不表示具体的意义,但有某种附加意义和语法作用。Ji has no material meaning but accessional meanings and phraseological functions.

格林威乱尺度时间。异样是通功一条附添的时针在24小时的置应去肯定世界光阴和ZULU光阴。Greenwich slow time. it also confirm universal time and ZULU time by a accessional hour hand at 24 hour work.

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棱镜偏振片复合眼镜是一种立体电视附加观看装置。A prism polarizing disc compound glasses of the utility model is an accessional watching apparatus of a stereoscopic television.

由扬声器端体积引起的附加管长也随着谐振管的增加而逐渐减小。The length of the accessional tube, which was aroused by the volume of loudspeaker, decreases with the increasing of resonant tube.

研究结果中,在休闲农场的探讨与定位上,休闲农场在本质意义上是以农业经营与体验为重点,休闲游憩活动是附著于农业之经营环境。From this study, we can find that the management of leisure farms is based on the agronomy and agricultural experience. The leisure activities are accessional.

另外设计了自动增益控制电路和附加相位调制电路,对外调制阶段的光功率进行控制。In addition, the automatic gain control circuit and accessional phase modulation circuit are designed in order to control light power on the stage of external modulation.

与传统机床相比,并联机床具有刚度重量比大、响应速度快、环境适应性强和技术附加值高等优点。Compared with traditional machine tool, parallel machine tool has such priories as high response velocity , high accessional technology value , and high adaptability to circumstance.

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主要经营爱斯佩克集团公司产品的进出口、国内销售、售后服务、零部件调配、物流管理以及其他相关附加业务。We mainly deal with import and export of ESPEC Group's products in the domestic market, including after-sales service, parts disposal, logistic management and any other accessional business.

蓝印花布是江南特有的布料,她采用纯棉的布料,加上植物中提取的染料,再用豆浆、石灰、醋等附料加工而成!This kind of cloth is proper here, it is made of the materials of pure cotton and dry stuff distilled from the plants, with some accessional materials of soybean milk, calcareousness and vinegar.

针对非质心作用推力的情况,讨论了附加攻角振荡幅度、脉冲推力大小、作用时间间隔等因素对于修正距离的影响。While impulse forces not acting on the centroid, the influence of accessional attack angle oscillation amplitude, impulse force scale and function time interval on range correction was discussed.

并将控制方式由原来的集中式改为集中式和分布式相结合的方式,使系统能在不增加传感器的情况下自动采集机器人的整体信息。Changing centralized control method to the centralized combining with distributed control method, HitMSRII can collect the whole information of the robot automatically without accessional sensors.