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我是冯华,是贵院吴加骋同学的妈妈。I am Feng Hua, Estelle Wu's mother.

“当然,就是给你的,”埃斯特尔姨妈说道。"Yes, of course, " said my Aunt Estelle.

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我告诉他们我都迫不及待地想告诉埃斯特尔姨妈我这一路的所见所闻。I told them I couldn't wait to tell Aunt Estelle about my journey.

“父亲,你也认为帕特里克应该铲除?”埃斯特尔问。"Father, do you think Patrick should be eliminated?" Estelle asked.

今天,我们将向你展示由埃斯泰勒.索维奇创造的非同寻常的灯泡设计。Today we’ll show you lamp with very unusual design created by Estelle Sauvage.

当我茫然无序时姨妈总能给我建议,指引我走出重重困难。Aunt Estelle gave me advice when it was sought and guided me through many difficulties.

当我还很小时,就知道去埃斯特尔姨妈那寻求安慰,得到建议和帮助。When I was younger, I knew that I could always go to my Aunt Estelle for comfort, advice and support.

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临行前姨妈打电话给我告诉我她爱我并永远和我在一起。Aunt Estelle called me before I left to tell me that she loved me and that she would always be with me.

埃斯特尔姨妈是我知道的最无私的人,她对我的出行没有丝毫反对。Aunt Estelle was the most unselfish person I ever knew and would not even consider my hesitation about going.

盖蒂出生于波兰伊丝特拉舍尔,后来移民纽约,并很快喜欢上了剧院,在四岁的时候她第一次看到了喜剧。Born Estelle Scher to Polish immigrants in New York, Ms. Getty fell in love with theater when she saw a vaudeville show at age 4.

卡尔·雷纳和埃斯特尔雷波斯特于1943年12月24日结婚,育有两儿一女,其中一个儿子,罗布雷纳,也是一名著名导演。Carl Reiner married Estelle Lebost December 24th 1943. They have two sons, one of whom is also a famous director, Rob Reiner, and a daughter.

五年前,时任教育大臣的埃斯特尔·莫里斯,取消了参加中学会考的学生必须学习一门外语的规定。Five years ago Estelle Morris, then the Education Secretary, ended the requirement for all GSCE students to learn at least one foreign language.

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可是他要靠写小说维持生计就得拼命挣扎,尤其是在1929年同埃斯特尔·富兰克林结婚,又于次年买下他取名为“罗温橡树”的住宅以后。But he had to struggle to earn a living from his fiction, especially after he had married Estelle Franklin in 1929 and the following year bought a property he named Rowan Oak.

昆丁对凯蒂的爱等同于情人之间的爱,然而凯蒂的失贞使他陷入巨大的痛苦之中,反映了福克纳遭艾斯黛儿遗弃的痛苦心理以及后来与她结婚的矛盾态度。Quentin's love for Caddy resembles the love between lovers. Yet Caddy's loss of virginity puts him into great agony, which is a reflection of Faulkner's relation with Estelle.

符美洁师母自幼小在新加坡重生堂长大,14岁开始让邓碧玉医生带领下查经,并在1991年受洗归入主的大家庭。Estelle Foo, his wife grew up as an Adventist kid in Singapore Chinese SDA Church. At 14, Dr Tan Pik Yee started to give her bible studies along with other girls leading her to be baptised in 1991.