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一个史无前例的富裕时代。A time of unexampled prosperity.

我们在战争年代同舟共济的兄弟情谊是史无前例的。Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled.

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在他的早期儿童英勇的无可比拟的孩子,被称为盲骚动。In his early childhood for unexampled valor kid was nicknamed Blind Fury.

你对我那位可怜的妹妹情义太重,我再也不能不感激你了。I can no longer help thanking you for your unexampled kindness to my poor sister.

它所具有的诸多优点是其他导航设备所无法比拟地。It has various advantages that are unexampled other kind of navigation equipment.

总之,开管扩镓是一种制备高压器件不可比拟的新途径。In brief, tube-open diffusion of Ga is a unexampled new approach to prepare high voltage device.

BOD的含量,具有阴离子型淀粉无可比拟的优点。BOD white water value in broken paper reclamation. It has unexampled excellent feature than anionic starch.

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宁波市发展现代国际物流产业有其无可比拟的优势,但也面临着内外部一系列的局限和挑战。There exist unexampled advantages, but a series of limitation and challenges inside and outside as well in Ningbo.

基因芯片技术以其高通量、高效率的特点在肿瘤研究方面有着无可比拟的优势。Gene chip technique has unexampled advantages in tumor study with the characteristics of high -flux and high efficiency.

专用电子显微镜的图像显示精美、清晰是其它同类产品无法比拟的,它与您的产品一样带给客户高品质的感受。Particular electron microscope can display the best fancy and vivid image unexampled , which also bring you about the best quality.

它在高可靠性、高密度方面具有其它组装技术无可比拟的优势。The technology has unexampled predominance comparing with other packaging technologies about aspect of high reliability and high density.

近些年来,随着国民经济持续高速发展,高等级公路的建设正以前所未有的发展速度向前推进。In recent years, with the rapid development of economic construction in our country, high-grade highway construction is evolving with unexampled speed.

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而在中国市场上,中海油服受到政策扶持,并具有良好的客户关系和管理经验,具有无可比拟的竞争优势。In Chinesemarket, COSL will enjoy unexampled competitive advantages because of government support, good customer relationship, and management experience.

我国是草地资源大国,发展草地畜牧业具有无可比拟的资源优势和潜力。Our country is a big country with grassland resource, there is the unexampled resource predominance and potential in developing grassland animal husbandry.

这惊人的寿命的增长,在生物体当中是历无前例的,反映了当前老人的数目急剧上升了。This spectacular increase in longevity, unexampled in the history of living things, is reflected in a current steep escalation in the number of old people.

红帮是“宁波帮”的一个重要组成部分,他们在学术研究方面的丰硕成果,是其他“宁波帮”群体无可比拟的。Hong Band is an important part of Ningbo Band. The plentiful achievements they have made in academic research are unexampled by other groups in Ningbo Band.

伴随着环保事业的深入开展,环境审计在环境管理监督方面有着极其重要的意义。With the development of environmental protection enterprises, environmental auditing plays an unexampled role in the supervision of environmental management.

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全球化为他们提供了无可比拟的资本、人才、市场条件,全球化亦可称为他们的坟墓。The globalization has provided them with the unexampled conditions for the capital, the talent and the market, and the globalization can also become their grave.

网上市场调研是企业营销与互联网技术相结合的产物,它大大丰富了市场调研的资料来源,具有无可比拟的优势。Online market survey is the outcome of combination of enterprise marketing and Internet technology, enriching its material resources and having unexampled advantages.

动压测量技术是一种非接触式测量方法,是冻干过程所特有的测量方法,具有其它测量方法所无法比拟的优点。The technique of dynamic pressure rise measurement is a non-contacting measure method which is only belong to freeze-dry and it has more unexampled merits that others do.