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小草的叶片没有弯曲。Blades of grass are unbent.

法官松弛了下来,举止像个小男孩。The judge unbent and behaved like a boy.

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他只有在家庭圈子里才能轻松自如。He can only be unbent in the family circle.

他以读侦探小说来使他的心情松弛。He unbent his mind by reading detective stories.

在晚会上,连教授们也变得轻松随和,讲些笑话。At the party even the professors unbent and told jokes.

但即使得了钱,他那幼嫩额头上铁箍般紧锁的双眉也不会舒展开来。But that iron set frown on the young brow would not have unbent even for the silver.

我靠在椅背上,松开双手,看到手指煞白且无法伸直。I sat against the back of the chair and stretched my arms , I saw my fingers were so pallid and not unbent.

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滑坡过后,它肆虐过的地面上还有少许鲜艳的小花盛开,小草的枝叶依然挺直。After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing. Blades of grass are unbent.

在山体滑坡之后,美丽的花朵依旧挺立在石块冲刷过的山坡上,小草也没有被低下头来,是什么让这些植物还能生存下来呢?After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing. Blades of grass are unbent . How is this possible?

西德尼•莫尔斯说,在巴尔莫勒尔,女王在家人朋友的簇拥下身体微微前倾,朝着留声机话筒大致的方向说了几句话。But surrounded by family and friends at Balmoral, Sydney Morse declared, Victoria unbent enough to speak a few words in the general direction of the Graphophone's mouthpiece.