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查尔斯王子也难逃人们小小的嘲弄。Prince Charles does not escape mild mockery.

这个问题是对模仿骗子行为的一种嘲弄。The question is a mockery of a travesty of a sham.

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金融危机不啻是对这两个假设的无情嘲笑。The financial crisis made a mockery of both assumptions.

他上一次就财政预算进行的尝试性调整简直是一次可笑的胡搞。His last attempt to do this—in the budget—was a mockery of spin.

他的话里暗含着嘲弄的意味么,抑或只是她的想象而已?Was there just a hint of mockery in his voice or was it herfancy?

更重要的是,这些“协议”嘲弄着法律和签订协约的根本思想。make a mockery ofthe law and of the very idea of forming agreements.

他的失败使他的朋友帮助他的一番心血白费了。His failure made a mockery of his friend's great efforts to help him.

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在世界上大多数国家,用拇指拨弄鼻子是嘲笑别人的意思。Thumbing your nose is a sign of mockery throughout most of the world.

由于他考试不及格,老师辅导他的一番心血白费了。His failure made a mockery of the teacher's great efforts to help him.

在这样一种问题前,我们感到嘲笑是不能允许的。It does not seem to us, that on such a subject mockery is permissible.

那双闪米特人的黑眼睛盯住了雅夏看,流露出一丝心领神会的嘲笑。The black, Semitic eyes gazed at Yasha with a sort of knowing mockery.

半月刊的讽刺杂志持续的嘲笑。A persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine.

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夹着尾巴回家,去面对朋友和邻居们的嘲笑吧。Return home, tail between my legs. Face the mockery of friends and neighbours.

主张鼎新的人对于这些守旧者的作法大加嘲搞。New Year celebrations. These conservative who advocates reform of the big mockery.

在旧约里,这个名字表达的是一种对拜假神巴力的嘲笑。This name is a mockery for the worship of the false god, Baal, in the Old Testament.

将一个愚蠢的手势赶出嘲弄的领地,给他盖上非法的印戳。You take a stupid gesture out of the realm of mockery and you give it illicit cachet.

这种腌鱼使得我们不去嘲讽英国的食品。Kippers are one of those quintessentially English foods that leave us open for mockery.

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天使脸红并且哭泣的嘲弄,当魔鬼欢喜的时候,由于嘲弄笑!A mockery at which angels blushed and wept, while fiends rejoiced, with jeering laughter!

讥笑责斥,是骄傲人的表现,惩罚却像埋伏的狮子在等候他。Mockery and reproach are of the proud, and vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for him.

如果依布拉欣没有接受法律的对付与制裁,这无疑是藐视国家的司法系统。It would be mockery to the system of justice in the country if Ibrahim Ali is not charged.