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这条河经久不衰地为这个城市供水。The river supplies water to the city unfailingly.

他的虔诚始终不渝,一直把他的信仰看得比绝大多数事物都重要。He was unfailingly pious, always taking his religion more seriously than most.

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弗里曼的礼貌令人印象深刻,他记得所有员工和许多顾客的名字,一一向他们打招呼。He is unfailingly polite, greeting all the staff and many of the customers by name.

毕竟这是他们30年以来一直尝试做的事,而且他们不倦的集合着他们的基础。That's been their approach for 30 years after all, and it unfailingly rallies their base.

毕竟这是他们30年以来一直尝试做的事,而且他们不倦的集合着他们的基础。That’s been their approach for 30 years after all, and it unfailingly rallies their base.

遥远的国际市场对资源的喜好无常,但卢本巴希这座城市却存活了下来,并在开山采矿的一声声不间断爆炸中兴旺发展。Lubumbashi has long lived by the whims of distant global markets, its booms unfailingly followed by busts.

二十年来,她力尽她的家庭职责,生育了七个儿子两个女儿。For twenty years she unfailingly fulfills her family duties and gives birth to seven sons and two daughters.

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去表达别人细心和不倦帮助的欣赏吧,再怎么多也不过分。It never hurts to point out how much you appreciate the small services and tasks that someone unfailingly performs.

衡量一个国家实际国力有一个经久不衰的指标,那就是看这个国家的敌人或对手的本领。But one unfailingly good indicator of a nation's real strength is the nature of the enemies or adversaries it fears.

在此之前,我一定带着我的硬币连续旅行五年了,断断续续也有六年时间了。Prior to this incident I had traveled with my coin unfailingly for five years and then intermittently for six years.

尽管纳布政治家个个都表现得彬彬有礼,但马诺朗总也不能从任何人口中得到一条明确答复。Even though the Naboo politicians seemed unfailingly polite, he could never quite get a straight answer out of anyone.

许多节日和祭祀仪式都始终给旅游者留下了喜庆或庄严的深刻印象。The many festivals and sacrificial rites unfailingly impress visitors with their hilarity or solemnity, as the case may be.

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在无产阶级政权下面,工人的政治觉悟和劳动积极性一直很高。Under the regime of the proletariat, our workers have unfailingly displayed high political consciousness and enthusiasm for labour.

而且感觉这个老板非常不想听别人说话,不想跟别人沟通,只想自已说,但又惜字如金。And feel the boss is don't want to listen, don't want to communicate with others, just want to from already said, but again unfailingly.

——乔恩·斯图尔特痛斥CBNC在金融危机前几个月里对股市做的“专家”预测——他本人一直保持乐观。Jon Stewart, excoriating CNBC's "expert" — and unfailingly upbeat — stock-market predictions in the months before the financial collapse

当婆婆说“做这件事”的时候,即使她说的是错的,做媳妇的也要无条件的服从命令。Whenever the mother-in-law says, “Do that,” even if what she says is wrong, still the daughter-in-law submits unfailingly to the command.

天主子民「透过信仰的超性意识」,在教会活的训导的指引下,「毫无失误地依附信仰」。By a "supernatural sense of faith" the People of God, under the guidance of the Church's living Magisterium, " unfailingly adheres to this faith.

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我的那些拥有甜蜜的爱情、美满的婚姻的朋友们,会不计得失地区相互体谅彼此,让我很是震惊。If there’s one thing that has always struck me about those friends with a good marriage, it is that they are unfailingly considerate of each other.

虽然法耶德家族的这位继承人总是温和、有礼,但简直让他感觉“如芒刺在背”,因为多迪毫无时间概念,却还为必然的延误发脾气。Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was "a complete pain in the backside" with no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays.

这本书不愿对她们的窘境做任何评价,但是布什表现出有点着急,而布什夫人仍然是女儿们永远的支持者。The book says it has been reluctant to comment on their scrapes but Mr Bush has expressed some impatience. Mrs Bush has been unfailingly supportive of her daughters.