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让我们过个越南新年!Let's go freaking Tet here!

打过两个电话后,她到厨房做年夜饭去了。After two phone calls, she got to the kitchen to prepare a Tet feast.

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让我知道事情的进展,到时候我就可以说我认识一位有名的电影明星了。Tet me know how that turns out. I'd like to say I know a famous movies star.

在越南,消费者们正在重新思考该买些什么过节。In Vietnam, consumers are rethinking what to buy for the holiday known locally as Tet.

人民现在正交换美元,为越南盾在一个巨大的利率为准备农历新年购物。People are now exchanging the dollar for VND at a tremendous rate to prepare for Tet shopping.

分析TET和CAG对不同性别患者的敏感性和特异性,并对其差异进行分析。The sensitivity and specificity in sex differences of TET and CAG, and the differences were analyzed.

越共在1968年发动的春节攻势狂潮,他们将南越同情者拉入黑名单,并且杀害。Asthe tet offensive rages in 1968, the Vietcong carry blacklists and assassinatesouth Vietnamese sympathizers at will.

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老将迈克尔安德烈认为回到1968年和另外一名士兵,陷入在越南北方的春节攻势作战行动。Veteran Michael Andre thinks back to 1968 and a fellow soldier caught up in battle during North Vietnam's Tet Offensive.

当美国人在电视上看到春节攻势的画面时,支持战争的民意受到了很大的冲击。WhenAmericans see the images of the tet offensive on their television screens, popular support for the war rapidly erodes.

屋内会放置杏仁树枝以抵挡邪灵,若在泰特节第一天开花尤其吉利。Apricot branches are put in the house to ward off demons. It is particularly auspicious if they bloom on the first day of Tet.

参观者可以通过狭窄的隧道,亲身体验致命的诱杀陷阱,甚至参观策划越南春节攻势的一个地下指挥中心。Visitors can work theirway through the cramped space, check out deadly booby traps and evenvisit an underground command center where the Tet offensive wasplanned.

方法利用四环素诱导表达系统,建立受四环素调控表达LMP1的鼻咽癌细胞系。Methods A nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line, Tet on LMP1 HNE2, transfected with LMP1, the expression of which was regulated by tetracycline, was used in this study.

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实验结果表明粉防己碱可部分逆转肾血管性高血压所致的大鼠左心室肥厚,降低心肌胶原含量,升高肌球蛋白ATP酶活性。The results suggest that Tet or Ena partially reduce the hydroxyproline content and elevate myosin ATPase activity of hypertrophied myocardium in renovascular hypertensive rats.

结论平板运动试验是一种诊断冠心病较理想的、安全的无创诊断方法,其敏感度和特异度较高,尤其对多支血管病变患者。Exercise treadmill testing is an effective non-invasive method for diagnosis of CAD with high sensitivity and speciality. Some parameters in TET are helpful to predict the severity of CAD.