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现任中国奥委会主席是国家体育总局局长袁伟民。NOC is Yuan Weimin, Ministry of the state General Administration for Sports.

泰国龙船徽章自从1992年汉城开始就一直困扰着收藏者,它们是真的NOC徽章吗?The Thai 'dragon ship' pins have puzzled collectors since Seoul in 1992. Are they really NOC pins?

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由于片上系统级芯片的进一步发展,采用NOC提供IP块之间的可靠通讯。With the development of SOC, the NOC is needed to provide the reliable communication among the IPs.

现任中国奥委会主席是国家体育总局局长袁伟民。The current President of the NOC is Yuan Weimin, Ministry of the state General Administration for Sports.

提出了一种有效的基于FPGA器件的多核系统原型设计与性能评估方法。This paper proposed an effective FPGA-based way for designing and evaluating the prototype of NoC system.

NOC工程将会成为一个很有竞争力的领域,且将要求尖端技能及持续教育。NOC engineering will become a very competitive field and will demand cutting edge skills and continual education.

国际奥委会虽然同意伊拉克参加奥运会,但是另外还要求必须重新进行选举组建伊拉克奥委会.The IOC said it was agreed Iraq could send a team to Beijing but the NOC must hold new elections, monitored by the IOC.

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普通系与高油系间相互杂交的三种杂交模式以及风干、青贮处理对玉米秸秆品质有较大影响。The three cross patterns between NOC and HOC and air-dried, ensiled treatments had obvious influence on maize stover quality.

只有申办资格经其国家或地区奥委会批准的城市方可申请举办奥运会。Only a city the candidature of which is approved by the NOC of its own country can apply for the organization of the Olympic Games.

“文学理论”学科在中国出现和发展已近百年,但“文学理论”学科界属很不明确,它与文艺学、美学之间界属不清,时至今日仍未得到解决。However, its academic belonging is not so clear, that is to say, there is noc lear demarcation between literary theory and aesthetics.

在此基础上,本文然后设计了一种基于遗传算法的核映射算法来对该片上网络架构中的通信能耗进行优化。On this basis we then design a genetic algorithm-based cores mapping algorithm to optimize energy consumption of this NoC architecture.

应用映射是片上网络体系结构研究的关键问题之一,映射结果的好坏会极大地影响体系结构的性能。In this paper, we proposed a topology-aware application mapping method for NoC architecture based on high level application transformation.

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尿总亚硝基化合物指标是评价人体亚硝胺接触水平的良好指标,可用于食管癌亚硝胺病因研究。Urinary TNOC is a better index that is applied to assess the exposure dose of TNOC in humans and study etiology of NOC of esophageal cancer.

它们形成了中国古代二元对立的批评格局,这种格局对于扩充古代整体的音乐哲学美学思想的容量,起到了积极的作用。They stick to themselves with noc ompromise, which plays an active role in enlarging the amount of ancient Chinese music-philosophy-aesthetics concept.

运动员村开村期间,组委会将每日提供床铺整理、房间打扫、垃圾倾倒、房间除尘以及卫生间清理等服务。Housekeeping for NOC accommodation will be provided daily. This includes bed-making, dusting, sweeping, garbage removal, cleaning and sanitizing of toilets.

在奥运村里有升旗广场、餐厅、比赛信息和国家奥委会服务中心、停车场、各种体育设施、洗衣房、商店等。There are a flag plaza, dining balls, games' information and NOC service centers, parking lot, various sports venues, laundries, shops and so on in the Village.

该措施使网络中实际需要传送的数据长度减少,还使得每一个数据都可以作为一个独立的单元来寻址,有利于简化路由节点内部的控制模块设计。This technique reduces the length of data needed to be transferred in NOC and makes each raw data can route like a packet header which makes the arbiter design easier.