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他和他的家人都是马鞍峰教会的积极成员。He and his family are active members at Saddleback Church.

从马鞍形的山脉所看到的景观展示了一些红枫树,该地区由此而著名。This view from Saddleback Mountain shows off some of the red maples for which the region is famous.

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自从1991年开始于马鞍峰教堂后,已经有超过50万的人完成率这一项目。More than 500,000 people have completed the program since its inception at Saddleback Church in 1991.

在马鞍山教会,我们有一个叫庆祝重生的部门,已经多次证明了这一点。At Saddleback Church, we have a ministry called Celebrate Recovery that has proven this over and over.

自从1991年开始于马鞍峰教堂后,已经有超过50万的人完成率这一项目。More than 500, 000 people have completed the program since its inception at Saddleback Church in 1991.

现在,大主教区没有回答我们征询意见的要求,而且马鞍教堂的办公室已经关闭。Now, the Archdiocese did not return our calls seeking comment and the offices at Saddleback Church were closed.

回到1980年,我在马鞍峰教会服侍的第一年,有人问我,“你觉得这个教会要发展到什么程度?”Back in 1980, the first year I started Saddleback Church, a reporter asked me, "How big do you thing this church is going to get?

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而在橙郡,上百人瞄准马鞍大教堂,并碰到了一小群当地的反对抗议的人。And down in Orange County, hundreds of people took aim at Saddleback Mega Church and were met by a handful of vocal counter-protesters.

因为格陵兰海豹淡黄色或者灰色身体的背部及两侧上有鞍状的暗斑纹,有时候它们也被称做鞍纹海豹。Harp seals are sometimes called saddleback seals because of the dark, saddlelike marking on the back and sides of their light yellow or gray bodies.

英国约克郡一头名叫“灰姑娘”的小猪可能是世界上第一头患有洁癖症的小猪,自出生后,它一直不肯和兄弟姐妹一起在泥巴中玩耍。Cinderella, the six-week-old saddleback piglet was fitted out with the designer footwear after her bemused owners realised she had a phobia of mud on her trotters.

1995年,约翰增加了在马鞍峰的职责,这包括提供咨询,辅导关心,欢庆痊愈,支持团队,小团队和家庭教会。In 1995, John’s responsibilities at Saddleback increased to include pastoral counseling, pastoral care, Celebrate Recovery, support groups, small groups, and family ministries.

申请,信息,和在亚利桑那的白山小道马拉松的结果,和冬季在橘子县落后于系列和鞍装峰山小道马拉松,加利福尼亚。Application , information , and results for the white mountain trail marathon in arizona , and the winter trail series and saddleback mountain trail marathon in orange county , california.