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他是个非法贩卖药品的人。He's the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully.

您乘坐的这辆车涉嫌非法营运。The car you took is suspected as operating unlawfully.

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麦考伊被控以非法取走车辆的罪名,目前正等候审判。McCoy is charged with unlawfully taking the car, and is now awaiting trial.

是否曾非法进入美国或曾被美国递解出境?S. visa, if been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States?

任何单位和个人不得擅自在动物园内摆摊设点。No entity or individual shall unlawfully put up stands or stalls within a zoo.

我们打交道的是那些在阿富汗被美国军队非法扣押的人。So we worked on people being held unlawfully in Afghanistan by the U.S. military.

士兵不得非法逮捕平民,或在军事设施中拘留平民。Soldiers should not unlawfully arrest and detain civilians in military facilities.

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他还被指控非法输出有关美国B-2轰炸机的机密信息。He also was convicted of unlawfully exporting classified information about the U.S. B-2 bomber.

一位验尸官陪审员已经证实戴安娜王妃和其男友多帝飞德是…A coroner 's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed.

根据工商管理局的官员介绍,有22家店铺涉嫌非法使用苹果公司的品牌和标识。Now, according to Chinese trade officials, 22 have been found unlawfully using Apple's brand and logo.

在国外出生的小孩和青少年在18岁之前即使没有被授予合法身份,也不会被认为是违法行为。Foreign-born kids and teenagers with unauthorized status are not considered unlawfully present until they turn 18.

当史奈登把一些消息非法泄露给媒体后,法庭允许迈克尔可以接受公开采访。Michael was awarded a public interview by the courts, when Sneddon unlawfully leaked some information to the media.

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非法占有“,是指对合法财产所有权的破坏,它与民法上的非法占有含义不同,也与非法占用含义不同。The meaning of "occupy unlawfully" here is on a broad sense, namely, refers to the damage of lawful property rights.

您是否曾违反过美国签证的有关规定?是否曾非法进入美国或曾被美国递解出境?Have you ever violated the terms of a U. S. visa, if been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States?

是否曾违反过美国签证的有关规定?是否曾非法进入美国或者曾被美国递解出境?Have you ever violated the terms of a U. S. visa, or been unlawfully present in, or deported from, the United States?

她因被指称于2008年10月15日驾车时非法超车而在德黑兰被伊朗官员逮捕。She was arrested by Iranian officials October 15, 2008, in Tehran for allegedly unlawfully passing another vehicle while driving.

乔兹说,上个月通过的一项法律规定,在巴格达所有非法占用住房的人都要搬出去,否则将受到起诉。Chauzy says a law passed last month requires that all squatters vacate houses they unlawfully occupy in Baghdad or face prosecution.

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严禁任何个人擅自决定对外投资或者改变集体决策意见。Any individual shall be strictly prohibited from unlawfully making decisions on external investment or altering collective decisions.

第一百一十七条证券交易所应当将收存的风险基金存入开户银行专门账户,不得擅自使用。Article 117 A stock exchange shall deposit its risk fund into a special account of its opening bank and may not unlawfully misuse it.

同时,应财产认领委员会收集那些非法敛聚的财物,并物归原主。Meanwhile, a property claims commission should be established to gather unlawfully amassed assets and return them to their rightful owners.