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吉福德说,或许,“忍耐真的是中国数千年历史的总结吧”。He has, Mr Gifford observes, “summed up thousands of years of Chinese history.”

吉福德和他的同事们研究在马达加斯加岛发现的灰鼠狐猴。Gifford and his colleagues In the study found that the island of Madagascar lemurs Chinchilla.

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吉福德和他的同事们研究在马达加斯加岛发现的灰鼠狐猴。Gifford and his colleagues In the study found that the island of Madagascar lemurs Chinchilla.

2003年2月25日,曹绪岷会长会见了来访的美国使馆农业处官员葛瑞福先生。On 25 Feb. 2003, President Cao Xumin of CFNA met with the officials headed by Mr. Ralph Gifford from the US Embassy. Mr.

沿着华盛顿州的卡斯卡达山脉有着吉福品彻国家森林,图为森林中一处散落着烧焦的木头的空地。Charred wood litters a partially cleared area in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest along Washington state's Cascade Range.

吉福德平肖左比尔特莫尔开始在耶鲁大学的林业学校。后来,他帮助建立了美国林务局。Gifford Pinchot left Biltmore to start the school of forestry at Yale University. Later he helped to establish the United States Forest Service.

吉福德试图于星期四在律师的陪同下与警官进行第三次会面,但是警方这次没有出现。Gifford intended to meet the officers for a third time on Thursday, taking a lawyer with her. But the officers did not appear at the rendezvous.

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吉福品彻地区是圣海伦火山的所在地,也是伐木工业者和北方斑点猫头鹰保护者之间的战争爆发之处。Gifford Pinchot is home to Mount St. Helens, and was ground zero of the battle between logging interests and those seeking to protect the northern spotted owl.

金斯利实验室的学生检视了星状胶细胞,那是可提供神经元营养及结构支撑的神经胶细胞。Gifford and student collaborators in Kinsley's lab have examined astrocytes, star-shaped glial cells that provide nutrients and structural support for neurons.

与此同时,商业农场主工会领导人吉福德说,穆加贝的支持者把据信支持反对派的农场主扫地出门。Meanwhile, Commercial Farmers Union leader Trevor Gifford said supporters of Mr. Mugabe have evicted farmers who were thought to have supported the opposition.

“美丽的女巫既有力量又有魅力,可以运用二者,在恋爱、追求者与未来的爱情生活方面做出自己的决定,”吉福德解释说。"The beautiful witch had both power and attractiveness, and could use both to make her own decisions about romance, suitors and the future of her love life, " Mr. Gifford explained.

1985年,他在苏格兰给过一系列有关科学与宗教的吉福演讲,讲稿在他过世后结集出版。Nevertheless, in a posthumous compilation of his 1985 Gifford Lectures in Scotland on science and religion, he makes the point that standard religious wonder is in fact too myopic, too limited.