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他呼吁停止近期的移民潮。He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration.

但是,这样做就失去了移民的意义。But, to doing this loses the significance of emigration.

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他们了解殖民、革命还有移民。They have known colonization, revolution and emigration.

移民问题就此与苏美关系联系在了一起。Emigration was now linked to the Soviet-American relationship.

布劳顿是另外一家受到移民影响的教会。Broughton is another ecclesia that has been affected by emigration.

很容易理解为何犹太人在争取移民的战斗中冲锋在前。Jews were understandably at the forefront of the emigration battle.

与此同时,来自中国东南方的移民也有所增加。Emigration from southeastern China also increased during this period.

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一九七○年,人数最多的一批欧洲移民来到美国。The largest emigration from Europe came to the United States in 1970.

同时期,人口迁移的方向对换了。In the meantime, the direction of emigration has even reversed itself.

现在估计只有380万人口,由于移民和10万战争死难者。Now it is estimated at only 3.8m, thanks to emigration and some 100,000 war dead.

我等曾提醒其民,我移民与垦殖者之状况。We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.

读者一直在迁徙,这种迁徙也孕育了一个新的看门人。The audience has moved elsewhere, and this emigration has birthed a new gatekeeper.

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可他们也不会简单满足犹太人自由移民的要求。Yet neither could they simply meet the Jews’ demands to allow unfettered emigration.

你还没办好去澳大利亚的移民签证就把房子卖了?You've sold your house before you've got your emigration clearance to go to Australia?

目的观察新洲居民迁移对血吸虫病流行的影响。Objective To survey the epidemic change of schistosomiasis by emigration from xinjizhou.

利物浦还是爱尔兰、英国和北欧国家人民迁居别地的交通枢纽。Liverpool was also a major conduit for emigration from Ireland, Britain and northern Europe.

更重要的是,由于农民移民一些耕地被荒废了。What's more, some of the farmland is left uncultivated as a result of the farmers' emigration.

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技术工人移民到新西兰和政府财政赤字都是持续中的问题。The emigration of skilled workers to New Zealand and government deficits are continuing problems.

交互影响的温度和地理的移民行为的果蝇。Interactive effects of temperature and geography on emigration behavior of Drosophila melanogaster.

然而,许多作出航程根据信用票务系统管理,由经纪人和移民代理人。However, many made the voyage under the credit-ticket system managed by brokers and emigration agents.