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请面无表情地互相看。So, look at each other expressionless.

我还是面无表情、不露声色。Again I was impassive and expressionless.

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这些面无表情的水妖没有弄瞎你的双眼吗?Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?

我也看她,面无表情、不露声色。I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless.

那个男的是莫特,但他的的脸上毫无表情。The man is MULDER, but his face is blank and expressionless.

纳塔莉亚穿着冬天的大衣,双手深深地插在口袋里,面无表情地站在站台上。Natalia stood expressionless on the platform in her winter coat.

母亲读信时,脸沉了下来,变得更加没有表情。As his mother read it, her face hardened and became more expressionless.

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这包括上传我一些无表情的正面照片。This involves uploading an expressionless photo of myself, taken face-on.

但,现在,我写下这段文字的时候,我没笑,我是面无表情的。But, now, I write this text, I did not laugh, I was the face expressionless.

短发,露出了脸,在黑暗中,难以看清表情。His hair was cut short, and his face appeared, in the gloom, to be hard and expressionless.

将军用他毫无表情的蓝眼睛盯着我,他厚实的下巴显得更加厚实了。The general stared at me with his expressionless blue eyes and his thick-set jaw got even thicker.

英俊的小伙子完全变成了另外一个人,他的脸上没有任何表情,目光呆滞,面部肌肉不断地抽搐,活像一个白痴。He was expressionless with a dull look in his eyes. His face muscles were jerking. He looked like an idiot.

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在游戏过程中,参与者在每个小游戏开始时候都会给出一张同伴无表情的脸的照片。During the game a participant was shown an expressionless photo of a fellow player's face at the start of each game.

市面上的大多数玩具娃娃都只有单纯的笑脸或者面无表情,所以它们是空洞的、一维的,没有灵魂。Most of the dolls out there are just plain happy or expressionless and that’s what makes them hollow and one-dimensional.

婴儿面临的表情和他们的学生是不可见赋予的外观和可怕。The babies' faces are expressionless and their pupils aren't visible which gives the appearance of lifelessness and dreadfulness.

窗口一脸内分泌失调的老女人,面无表情的给他指了一条麻烦无比的出路。The age female of skylight way one face endocrine maladjustment, the noodles is expressionless to point an exit with unique difficulty for him.

洛杉矶时间2011年11月7日,当陪审团回到法庭上宣判他过失杀人罪成立时,康拉德·穆雷医生呆若木鸡。Dr Conrad Murray remained expressionless as the jury returned with a guilty verdict in his involuntary manslaughter trial in Los Angeles November 7, 2011.

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接待他们的是面无表情的佣人纪伊须惠,叶子的亲生父亲南条敬三外出工作并不在家。Those who recieve them is Yi Xuhui of expressionless servant discipline, south the one's own father of leaf respect 3 go out to work and not be in the home.

我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。When we had tea, I could not take my eyes from her small, delicate hands, the graceful way she moved, her bright, black eyes, and expressionless clear face.

这一阶段患者的外貌已被描述为显示“象鬼一样的”憔悴、眼睛深陷、面部无表情以及极度无精打采。The appearance of patients at this phase has been described as showing “ghost-like” drawn features, deep-set eyes, expressionless faces, and extreme lethargy.