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双鱼座--紫水晶,绿玉Pisces -- Amethyst, Aquamarine

我听到海蓝宝石是新的黑色。I heard aquamarine is the new black.

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海蓝宝石制成的珠子能带来爱情的好运。Beads made of aquamarine can bring luck in love.

海蓝宝石是很有趣且迷人的宝石。Aquamarine is a fascinatingly beautiful gemstone.

海蓝宝石是淡蓝色,蓝绿色和深蓝色。Aquamarine is light blue, blue-green and dark blue.

海蓝宝石是说,象征幸福和理解。Aquamarine is said to symbolize happiness and understanding.

海蓝宝石海蓝宝石语动音调。Aquamarine holds the tone of stealth in the language of light.

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实际的颜色的蓝宝石可能从蓝色到蓝绿色。The actual color of an aquamarine can vary from blue to blue-green.

工业有用矿物主要为钽铌铁矿、锂辉石、绿柱石等。Nb-Ta-Fe ore, spodumene and aquamarine are useful industrial minerals.

笔杆镶有200颗海蓝色水晶,绽放出闪烁顺眼的光荣。Sparkling beautifully, the body is filled with 200 Aquamarine crystals.

当海泥干至呈浅海蓝色时,你会感觉皮肤被收紧和变得结实。Feel your skin tighten and firm up as the clay dries to a light aquamarine hue.

你可以看到印度洋那蓝宝石般的海浪轻轻拍打在黄金海岸上。The aquamarine blue waves of the India Ocean gently unfolding on the golden shore.

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绿玉藤的花是很独特的蓝绿色,这在植物界几乎是独一无二的色彩。The aquamarine color of jade vine's flowers is nearly unique in the plant kingdom.

宋瓷总是粉彩颜色深蓝色不过,愈是重视。Aquamarine is always a pastel blue but the darker the colour, the more valued it is.

我建议海蓝宝石或玫瑰谁是为那些经历很辛苦石英。I recommend aquamarine or rose quartz for those who are experiencing a lot of grief.

屋顶反射灯光呈现出的碧绿色对整个画面很重要。The aquamarine color of the roofing reflectors light was important to the entire image look.

蓝色的黄水晶常被作为海蓝宝石出售,许多种棕色石英被当作黄水晶广为贩卖。Blue topaz is often sold as aquamarine and a variety of brown quartz is widely sold as topaz.

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这是最受欢迎的宝石之一,从家庭的绿柱石,海蓝宝石和祖母绿一起。It is one of the most popular stones from the beryl family, alongside aquamarine and emerald.

蓝宝能源,这家苏格兰公司是多家在这里勘测的外国公司之一。The Scottish firm, Aquamarine Power, is one of several other foreign companies scouting here.

大海也随着潮汐着色彩,时而翠微,时而碧蓝,展现出一个迷人的绮丽世界。An enchanting world where the ocean turned from emerald to aquamarine with the changing tides.