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这可以防止水的渗透。It can prevent the water from sopping in.

隔着草帽,他的头发已经全湿。His hair under his straw hat was sopping wet.

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他像一块浸满水的海绵。He has been sopping up influences like a sponge.

浑身湿透的时候不该跳上床。He should't jump on your bed when he's sopping wet.

浑身湿透的时候不该跳上床。He shouldn't jump on your bed when he's sopping wet.

灌了6杯啤酒之后,拉尔夫感到有点醉了。After about 6 beers, Relph found himself a little sopping.

全身湿淋淋的,抓住他的手,然后跪在浴缸里。Tracy, sopping wet, got on her hands and knees in the bath.

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当她赶上了她的父亲的时候,她的运动鞋是浑身湿透的。Her sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father.

当她赶上爸爸的时候,她的运动鞋已经湿透了。Ferns sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father.

当芬赶上她的爸爸时,她的球鞋已经湿透了。Fern's sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father.

辛吉斯问他,顺手把用过的咖啡滤纸扔进了垃圾筒。" said Linda Higgins, throwing a sopping brown coffee filter into the garbage can.

它正在把贸易触手延及非洲,乃至拉美。为了给增长中的经济助燃,它正在世界各个角落竭尽所能的攫取石油。It is sopping up oil wherever in the world it finds it to fuel its booming economy.

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晚上,我就不那么高兴了,因为公用的转动毛巾用了一天,都湿透了。In the evening it was less pleasant, as the roller towel, after being used by so many people, was sopping wet.

春天已经来了,草地湿漉漉的,等她赶上他爸爸,她的鞋子已经湿透了。The grass was wet and the earth smelled of springtime. Fern's sneakers were sopping by the time she caught up with her father.

这是一个年轻的军官,小伙子有一张宽阔、红润的脸庞,有一双愉快、灵活的眼睛,他驰近杰尼索夫,递上一封湿淋淋的信。This officer, a quite young boy, with a broad, rosy face and keen, merry eyes, galloped up to Denisov, and handed him a sopping packet.

在村民们为地上的水渍而惊讶的时候,一只身体湿漉漉的乌龟费劲地爬上山坡,把嘴里含着的水吐在最后一点燃烧的火星上。All villager are surprised when they saw the wet ground and a sopping wet tortoise climb hillside and spit the water on the last light fire.

“埃尼斯,你这是找什么呢?”玲达?辛吉斯问他,顺手把用过的咖啡滤纸扔进了垃圾筒。"Ennis, what are you lookin for rootin through them postcards?" said Linda Higgins, throwing a sopping brown coffee filter into the garbage can.

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希腊汲取了极其有用的,信息,才能和技术,而这对我们解释以后的历史启发良多So, the Greeks are sopping up tremendously useful information and talent, and skills, and all sorts of things that help explain what's going to be coming.

以它为原料的小菜黏糊糊的,绝对适合练习你的筷子技术。糯米不但能美美的蘸着咖喱汁吃,更绝的是,它还能用来盖结结实实的塔楼。It's a glutinous side dish that's perfect for practicing your chopstick skills, for sopping up curry sauce and, amazingly, for building really strong pagodas.

我会想像希腊人,从他们东方和南方的邻居那里,吸收了各种有用和有趣的信息,这是毋庸置疑的I think that I would imagine the Greeks sopping up all sorts of useful and interesting information from their neighbors in the east and the south and there's no question about it.