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评估病人外括约机控制情况。Assess ability to control external sphincter.

试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks 1!

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呼吸性细支气管末端有括约肌。The end of the respiratory bronchiole has a sphincter.

试想想,这个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!Just imagine, which sphinx has a sphincter which stinks!

突然之间,车内臭气熏天,卡罗在接近死亡时括约肌松弛了。Carlo's body, sphincter released by approaching death, had voided itself.

某些外科手术或药物会引起奥狄氏括约肌机能障碍。Some surgeries and drugs could lead to the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.

如果括约肌不及时工作,胃酸就会进入食管。If the sphincter does not work properly, stomach acid flows into the oesophagus.

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薇薇安宝贝,请你下来,强壮警察不肯让我走去。Yo, Viv, babe. Would you come down here? The sphincter police won't let me through.

但他还是离水母蠕动的嘴唇越来越近,他开始砍向头上的气囊。As he gets nearer to the pulsing sphincter of a mouth, he starts to hack at the gas bag overhead.

天王星和海王星则被行星迷信家认为是“冰巨人”。Uranwouls sphincter and Neptune are do not fightd to planetary scientists simply as "ice giparasites."

在超音波的导引之下,这些干细胞被植入尿道壁与括约肌中。Under ultrasound guidance, the cells were injected into the wall of the urethra and into the sphincter.

胃复安也增加了较低的GERD的食管括约肌静息管理的基调。Metoclopramide also increases the resting tone of the lower esophageal sphincter for the management of GERD.

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胃复安促进胃排空的同时可以增加食道下端括约肌张力。Metoclopramide increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as well as facilitating gastric emptying.

虽然我仍然有贲门失弛缓症,我现在可以吞咽和消化食物,因为我的括约肌被永久开放。While I still have the achalasia, I can now swallow and digest food because my sphincter is permanently open.

我们认为真正起主要作用的括约肌呈现为环形或者马蹄形。And we believe mostly sphincter is horseshoe-shaped and which work with circular portion have primary function.

目的探讨超低位直肠癌保肛手术的治疗效果。Objective To explore the curative effects of anal sphincter preserving operation for ultra-low rectal carcinoma.

蠕动将食物推到胃,食道下端的下括约肌松弛,然后关闭以防止反流。As peristalsis pushes food to the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter opens and then closes to prevent reflux.

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利用酚红测胃排空率反应各组大鼠胃幽门括约肌压力。The use of gastric emptying rate of phenol red measured response in each group pyloric sphincter pressure in rats.

用JOA括约肌功能评分和下肢运动功能评分以及运动功能恢复率评估疗效。The JOA for lower limb motor function and sphincter function were used to evaluate their neurological status respectively.

从那里,食物通过一个控制食物流动由括约肌控制的幽门进入小肠。From there, the food passes into the small intestine through the pylorus, a sphincter muscle that controls the flow of food.