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他听得出追他的人正向他靠近。He could hear his pursuer closing up on him.

他用肘戳了我一下。The criminal jabbed at the pursuer with a knife.

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她发现追赶者紧紧地跟在她后面。She found that the pursuer was close at her heels.

原告要求法院给予救济。The pursuer requests the court to grant him remedy.

并在此基础上进行了综合理论分析。On the basis of this, the pursuer make the theoretic analysis.

以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追,而且屡屡望着我的影子猛猛狂吠。From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer.

对于一个扮作被追求者的角色的追求者,我该怎么说他呢?What shall I say of him who is the pursuer playing the part of the pursued?

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他放松了他的人质而他最初的追踪者奔跑着往教堂外跑去。He released his hold and his original pursuer bolted out of the parish close.

青顺县的董书记带着伤员转移,他们甩开了追军。Dongshuji of green county with the transfer of the wounded, they take the pursuer.

比较迟的毫秒它正在弯曲下来而且在附近到它的前追赶者的尾部。Milliseconds later it was curving down and around to the tail of its former pursuer.

黄色的人非常愿意作追求者,并喜欢为两人的关系定一些不成文的规矩。They enjoy the role of pursuer and like to set the unwritten rules for the relationship.

一个巨人般的猎人,普勒阿德斯的追求者、厄俄斯的恋人,被阿耳忒弥斯所杀。Greek Mythology A giant hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, killed by Artemis.

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费特再次以为他摆脱了跟踪者,于是继续着陆,但欧比-万的追踪仍在继续。Fett again thought he lost his pursuer and proceeded to land, but Kenobi continued his chase.

突然追击者又出现了,看起来就像一只乌贼即将吞下一只小鱼。Suddenly the Pursuer appeared again, looking like an enormous squid about to swallow a minnow.

那人说,有追兵在追他,他希望能借老农的家暂时躲一下。The man said, a pursuer in pursuit of him, he hopes to take farmer home temporarily hiding it.

一位年轻病人做的噩梦是被人追逐,他把追他的人想象成巧克力,一口吃掉。A young patient having nightmares of being chased turned the pursuer into chocolate and ate him.

理想不会抛弃坚持不懈的追求者。只要不停止追求,你就会沐浴在理想的光辉中。An idea will never give up a dogged pursuer. So long as you do not stop pursuing, you will bathe in the glow of your ideal.

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很快,狮子觉察到自己被追踪了,便突然停住,回过头来冲着追捕者大声吼叫。Presently the lion perceived that he was being pursued, so, stopping short, he rounded on his pursuer and gave a loud roar.

副警长追逐嫌犯出了一个匝道,有目击者看到嫌犯从他的车上下来攻击了追他的警察。The deputy chased the suspect onto an exit ramp, where a witness said the suspect got out of his car and assaulted his pursuer.

他还想再问一遍这词的翻译的时候,舰桥的屏幕上突然出现了追击者扑向他们的恐怖画面。He was about to ask for another translation when the bridge screens were filled with the horror of the Pursuer plunging down at them.