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他犹豫不决,颠三倒四。They agreed without hesitation.

你能不假思索的脱口而出吗?Can you answer without hesitation?

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这时我已没有犹豫。This time there was no hesitation.

他不假思索的把它交了上去。He handed it out without hesitation.

牧羊女毫不犹豫地说。The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

牧羊女毫不犹豫的说。The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

我毫不犹豫地报了名。I then registered without any hesitation.

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是毫不犹豫地火燃烧光明吗?Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?

罗恩毫不犹豫地接过信。Rowan took the letter without hesitation.

他的犹豫险些让他错过机会。His hesitation nearly cost him the chance.

她毫不迟疑,她只是开怀大笑。No hesitation at all, just her wide smile.

这一迟疑不决的态度已招致严重警告。The hesitation has brought stern warnings.

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他毫不迟疑的接受了这个工作。He accepted the job offer without hesitation.

东方不败丝毫没有犹豫答应下来。East dont hurt no hesitation promised to down.

有些事我很少提,有些事我希望你少提。If you wanna know, dig it out with hesitation.

不加思考,我爽快的接受这份工作。So I accepted the job without much hesitation.

她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。She accepted this job ofter without hesitation.

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她没有犹豫就同意和他再次见面。She agreed to see him again without hesitation.

格里利不假思索地答道。The answer was snapped back without hesitation.

他毫不犹豫地拒接了我的建议。He turned down my suggestion without hesitation.