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猜根特刚找到什么了?Guess what Gunther found?

德国医生冈瑟•冯•哈根斯公布了这一声明。The claim was made by German doctor Gunther von Hagens.

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夫妇二人因为外出旅行或者工作都回家太晚时,家里还有一位叫古恩斯的保姆。Whenthey travel or work late, they have a nanny, Günther.

让我们看看大富豪冈瑟四世吧,它是一只德国牧羊犬,目前是世界上最富有的狗。Meet Gunther IV, the German Shepherd, world's richest dog.

我想为马丁。费德曼和耿萨尔·赫兹先生预定房间。I'd like to book a room for Mr. Martin Feldman and Gunther Harz.

阿甘意识到乔伊已不再给咖啡馆打工了。Gunther realizes Joey's not working at the coffee house any more.

冈瑟四世拥有一座从麦当娜手里买来的迈阿密豪宅,还从拍卖会上买来了个稀有的白松露。Gunther IV has bought a Miami villa from Madonna and won a rare white truffle in an auction.

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歌德和君特·格拉斯,巴赫和贝多芬,这些名字是德国顶尖文化悠久传统的有力见证。Names like Goethe and Günther Grass or Bach and Beethoven are part of a long, distinguished cultural tradition.

生物塑化技术发明者德国科学家冈瑟冯哈根斯首创,送你的尸体去全世界的博物馆旅游。Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.

去年10月,负责为阿什利进行手术的医生丹尼尔·冈瑟和道格拉斯·迪马克在学术期刊上公布了阿什利的个案,引起了社会关注。The case came to public attention in October when her doctors, Daniel Gunther and Douglas Diekema, wrote about it in a journal.

陪同艾里亚森参与最近一次旅程的苏黎世建筑师根舍·沃特说。"The glacier is disappearing, " said Günther Vogt , a Zurich landscape architect who accompanied Mr. Eliasson on his recent trip.

本文综述了长吻鮠对蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素及无机盐的需求。Requirements of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin and inorganic element for the Leiocassis longirostris Günther were summarized.

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听到默克勒的死讯,巴登-符滕堡州的保守派总理声称本州失去了一位伟大的企业家。Hearing news of Merckle's death, Baden-Wüerttemberg'sconservative premier, Günther Oettinger, said the state had lost agreat entrepreneur.

赫泽高希望能坚守这一目标,但是她和其他一些委员们的意见相左,其中包括欧盟能源专员欧廷格。Hedegaard wants to toughen the target but she is opposed by several other commissioners, including the energy commissioner, Günther Oettinger.

冈瑟对我总是很有耐心,他会慢慢地等我进入高潮,就好像他会一直拉着门等我进入车内,他结束得很快,静静地小心翼翼地离开你的身体。Gunther was always patient with me. Slow. He'd wait for me to orgasm, like he was holding a car door open for me, and then he'd finish quickly and silently.

2004年,一对大王鱿从新西兰送到了中国大连的一家生物塑化机构,等待解剖学家冈瑟·冯·哈根斯做保存手术。In 2004, a pair of Architeuthis dux were sent from New Zealand to a plastination facility in Dalian, China, to be preserved by anatomist Gunther von Hagens.

他继承的是父亲牧羊犬冈瑟三世的遗产,而冈瑟三世则是德国伯爵夫人卡洛塔·利本斯坦的唯一遗产继承人。This dog actually received his inheritance from his father, Gunther III, a German Shepherd who received an inheritance from Karlotta Liebenstein, a German countess.

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“这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔·哈辛格说。"This is the ultimate David versus Goliath battle, but here David loses, " said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany.

“这是大卫和歌利亚的决战,但是这次大卫输了。”德国马普外层空间物理学院的贡特尔·哈辛格说。"This is the ultimate David versus 6 Goliath battle, but here David loses, " said Gunther Hasinger, of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany.

冈瑟•科万特的孙子加布里埃莱•科万特对研究结果做出回应,承认其家族长期无视历史上的污点是“错误的”。Gabriele Quandt, Günther Quandt's grandson, responded to the study's conclusion by admitting his family had been "wrong" in trying to avoid confronting the truth about its Nazi past for so long.