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冰川能够重新变回成蓬松的一团。A glacier can revert to a fluffy mass.

选中想要恢复的版本。Select the revision you wish to revert.

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你总得还原到英语。You always have to revert back to the English.

您是否确定要复原所有未储存的变更?。Do you really want to revert all unsaved changes?

财产于1998年将归还原所有人。The property revert to its original owner in1998.

下周,我将恢复我经过实践检验的公式。Next week I will revert to my tried-and-tested formula.

请查看下面我司回复给客户的邮件。Please find the following email that revert to clients.

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我们正要回复你方的查询并尽快修正。We are returning your inquiry and shall revert shortly.

我想我们是否可以重新考虑一下你原先所说的。I wonder if we could revert to what you were saying earlier.

您可以把任何未打分的作业恢复成草稿的状态。You can revert any ungraded assignment back to draft status.

感谢您能阅读我的简历,期待您的面试通知。Thanks for your reading my resume and hoping for your revert.

现在他停止吸毒了,但他可能故态复萌。He's stop take drug now, but he may revert to take them again.

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也许,现在是时候回复到一个更为传统的婚姻模式了。Perhaps it’s time to revert to a much older marital tradition.

创建一个补丁并还原到文件的原始版本。Create the patch and revert to the original version of the file.

恢复小时候的行为,比如尿床、吮吸手指。Revert to younger behavior such as bed wetting and thumb sucking.

结论二丁酰环磷腺苷钙可逆转EH患者LVH。Conclusion Irbesartan can be used to revert LVH in patients with EH.

我们想请总理回答一个问题,我们政府采取有力的措施,改变目前股市的现状,您认为广大股民对今年的股市应该有什么样的期待?Will the government take strong measures to revert such a situation?

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她不敢承认,旅行最终有一天必须恢复成为一种奢侈品。She dare not admit that travel must one day revert to being a luxury.

我愤怒,略带沮丧,但我更求胜心切。我强烈地期望扭转乾坤。I am angry, a little sad and willing fiercely to revert this situation.

如果他死后无继承人,其土地将复归国家所有。If he dies without leaving an heir, his lands will revert to the state.