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如果我是语言学家?I'm a linguist and so what do I do?

这项研究由语言学家吉尔莫福德领军。Linguist Jill Morford led the study.

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叶斯柏森是公认的世界级语言学家。Jespersen is considered a world-famous linguist.

这本词典是一位著名的语言学家编篡的。This dictionary is compiled by a famous linguist.

崔教授作为语言学家名声很高。Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist.

语言学家没有必要成为练达的音位学家。The linguist does not need to be a consummate phonologist.

语言学家没有必要成为练达的音位学家。The linguist does not need to be a consummate phonologist.

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这位语言学家正在研究话语分析的方法。The linguist is studying the method of discourse analysis.

然后这些美国的语言学家会说,"是啊,我们会和我们的狗说话"And then the American linguist would say, "Yeah. We speak to our dogs."

瑞士语言学家索绪尔认为语言是一个能表达思想的符号系统。Swiss linguist Saussure thought language is a sign system to express thoughts.

一位英国语言学家去年曾表示,表情符号是英国发展最快的语言。Last year, a UK linguist said emoji was the country's fastest-growing language.

老师叫马康淑,她是著名中文-西语语言作家。My teacher is called Consuelo Marco, she's an important Chinese-Spanish linguist.

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这就是索绪尔所注意到的,作为一个符号学家兼语言学家。This then is the object of Saussure's attention as a linguist and as a semiotician.

这就是索绪尔所注意到的,作为一个符号学家兼语言学家。This then is the object of Saussure's attention as a linguist and as a semiotician.

张志公先生是我国当代著名的语言学家和语文教育家。Mr. Zhang Zhigong was a famous linguist and Chinese educationist in contemporary China.

Ostler先生是位求知欲强的惊人的语言学家,他很愉快地从古代史转而进入他的叙述。A linguist of astonishing voracity, Mr Ostler plunges happily into his tales from ancient history.

痢娘们儿的老爸是语言学家和叫兽,她老爸神秘兮兮地向自己的娃儿和其他学生教授韩文。Ms. Lee's father, a linguist and professor, secretly taught his children and other students the language.

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后来一位学者、美国语言学家和人类学家弗洛伊德•劳恩斯伯里进一步支持“GMT常量”。A later scholar, American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, further supported the GMT constant.

叶圣陶先生是我国著名的语文教育家,又是颇有建树的语言学家。Mr. Ye Shengtao was famous for Chinese language education, and he was also a linguist of great achievements.

负责解开“OK”背后的秘密的人是一位叫做艾伦•沃克•瑞德的美国语言学家。The man responsible for unraveling the mystery behind "OK" was an American linguist named Allen Walker Read.