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那种生活应该设计。That life should contrive.

没有肉我们也能设法料理。We can contrive without meat.

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没有你的帮助,我也能设法做到。I can contrive without your help.

你怎么写得那么整齐来着?How can you contrive to write so even?

我们的生活必需设法量入为出。We have to contrive to live on our own income.

我可以假装撞到他,或者冲他笑。I could contrive to bump against him, or flash a smile.

在百物涨价的时候,我觉得料理家务真不容易。I found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.

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百物涨价时,她觉得料理家务很难。She found it difficult to contrive when prices of everything went up.

设法使自己真正喜欢读书的那些人确实是很幸运的。Fortunate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers.

那些设法把自己培养真正爱好读书的人确实是幸运的。Fortunnate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lover.

他们首先自己信服了之后,便设法诱使邻居。They, having first persuaded themselves, contrive to influence their neighbors.

那些设法把自己培养成为真正爱好读书的人,确实是幸运的。Fortunate indeed are those who contrive to make themselves genuine book-lovers.

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他突然显得精明能干,象是一名官员,一个运筹帷幄,发号施令,完成大业的人。He suddenly seemed capable, an official, a man to contrive to direct, to get things done.

我一辈子都不可能明白一个人穿得整整齐齐、漂漂亮亮还能做成什么事。I can never understand how a man can contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else.

任何输入返回的值都是完全一样的。I was unable to contrive any inputs where the return value was even a single bit different.

并且,他也无法理解,别人是怎样能够做到穿戴得一丝不苟地做事的。And he could not understand how a man could contrive to look neat and spruce and do anything else.

我们已不再仅仅因为对同类的爱而想方设法让人们相聚。We have ceased to contrive opportunities to bring men together simply because we love our fellow-men.

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由于我父亲是个裁缝,每逢新年临近,他总是给我和小弟裁出新衣服。As a tailor, my father would contrive new clothes for my little brother and me before the approach of New Year.

然而,我们相信,即使没有希格斯粒子,大自然也有产生这些现象的其他途径。However, we believe that nature could contrive to get the results that would flow from the Higgs in other ways.

手艺高明的厨师既懂得如何投客人之所好,自然要想尽法子把这道菜做得越贵重越好。A skillful cook, who understands how to oblige his guests, will contrive to make it as expensive as they please.