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栎树的蜉蝣感到抱歉。The oak tree felt sorry for the mayfly.

在这个梦想,橡树符合蜉蝣。In this dream, the oak tree met the mayfly.

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我们现在将涵盖成年阶段的蜉蝣。We now will cover the adult phases of the mayfly.

橡树祝福最后一次蜉蝣。The oak tree blessed the mayfly for the last time.

一旦蜉蝣幼虫被发现,它们就会被去除。Once mayfly larvae are found, they will be removed.

栎树的确很高兴地看到蜉蝣。The oak tree was very pleased indeed to see the mayfly.

我也是在大地春回及时前来掠食蜉蝣的鸟。And I am the bird that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.

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橡树和蜉蝣不断的互相交谈。The oak tree and the mayfly kept on talking to each other.

他们一般是大全能蜉蝣吸引花纹。Is that they make great general all-purpose mayfly attractor patterns.

鳟鱼是飞的蜉蝣,什么是个人电脑晶片。The mayfly is to trout fly fishing, what the microchip is to the personal computer.

但爆炸的人气,作为现阶段最脆弱的蜉蝣。But it has exploded in popularity, as this stage is the most vulnerable for the mayfly.

它的成年人所给予我们的名字列在五彩缤纷蜉蝣若虫文章。Its the adults that were given the colorful names that we listed in the Mayfly Nymph article.

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但是对于她遴选情人短暂的化身方面,她本人也存在着滑稽的成分——采用注定短命的浮游做比喻。But there was also something comic in her chosen image for man’s transience—the indestructible trope of the doomed mayfly.

很多蜉蝣种拙游泳充其量结合,剥其外层若虫皮肤他们等候治疗退化成为鳟。Many mayfly species are clumsy swimmers at best, and combine that with shucking their outer nymph skin, they become a flailing treat for the waiting trout.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其余的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider, and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其馀的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider , and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.

从化石上腿痕迹的位置,腹部的曲线印记,且化石中缺少翅膀的标志,研究员猜测那些痕迹是古浮游笔直的竖起一对翅膀休息时留下的。From the position of the legs, the curve of the abdomen, and the lack of wing marks, the researchers suspect that the imprint was made by an ancient mayfly that held its wings upright when at rest.