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戴维·布鲁克斯是个修正主义者David Brooks is a revisionist.

头一次遇到独立战争史的史学家,我才六岁。I met my first revisionist historian when I was six.

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列宁在1900年代早期已经是一个“修正主义”了。Lenin was already a "revisionist" by the early 1900s.

在修正主义西部片中,西部电影完成了自我改造。The Western re-invented itself in the revisionist Western.

这就是我从修正主义的历史书中所读到的内容。Thisis what I read in my revisionist history book. Kinzo wantanabe.

如果他们真的那么关心这些燔祭修正主义者的历史,为什么不在学校板报上号召一下呢?If they cared about revisionist history so much, why not mount a campaign to school boards?

因此,说这是修正主义版本的危机,显然是不准确的,但是否真的危险呢?So the revisionist version of the crisis is plainly inaccurate, but is it really dangerous?

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因此危机的修正主义版本并不完全正确,但它确实有危险么?So the revisionist version of the crisis is plainly inaccurate , but is it really dangerous?

苏修叛徒集团彻底背叛了列宁的这些光辉的教导。The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has completely betrayed these brilliant teachings of Lenin's.

修正主义者之”独唱”圣经的观念,已经对基督的大业造成了很大的伤害。The revisionist doctrine of "solo" Scriptura has been a source of great damage to the cause of Christ.

他在历史舞台的角色很大程度上被遗忘了,直到日本修正主义的激进分子将此掘出。His role in history had been largely neglected until it was disinterred by the Japanese revisionist offensive.

中国是更为微妙在其野心,但仍然是一个典型的修正主义要更多的为自己和不足,为整个。China is more subtle in its ambitions, but still a classic revisionist that wants more for itself and less for the whole.

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新修正主义者的领导们为了自己的生存,赤裸裸地为反动派张目。The new revisionist ring leaders, in order to fight for their survival, went nakedly to play into the reactionary's hands.

我们也要拒绝修正主义者”独唱”圣经的教义。这个教义把最终的、自主的权威交在所有个别的基督徒手上。We must also reject the revisionist doctrine of "solo" Scriptura, which places final autonomous authority in the hands of each and every individual.

你可以说我是马后炮了,但是拜托上一年他们四人可是打进了总决赛啊,哈登证明了自己值得一份顶薪,但是雷霆却做出了错误的举动。Yes you can say revisionist history but c'mon that run to the finals they made, Harden established his max contract worth and they made the wrong move.

在这本修正历史的版本中说,只有寥寥几千的中国人被杀害,而且大多数人都是保卫国家的部队军人。This revisionist version of history says that only a few thousand Chinese were killed and that most of them were soldiers in the defeated nationalist army.

我们必须深入地进行反修教育,阻止甚至是细微的修正主义因素在我们中间发芽,或者从外部侵入。We must conduct anti-revisionist education in depth so as to prevent even the slightest revisionist elements from germinating among us or trickling in from outside.

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战时重庆电影人的举证和自传的相继推出有助于修正史观的建立,并对相关的研究方法与史料搜集等问题有提纲挈领的作用。New testimony and autobiographies from filmmakers of the time enabled attention to revisionist histories alongside questions of research method and archival collections.

叙事人一一列举19世纪不论英国还是德国怨艾不已的诗人,显见他一反常规,希望摆脱浪漫主义学派以失落为主题的倾向。The revisionist speaker's disenchantment with the Romantic theme of loss is evident in his lumping together all the complaining poets of the 19th century, both English and German.

民主社会主义是马克思主义右翼的修正派,是当时社会主义思潮的代表之一,张君劢则是这一社会主义思想领域的佼佼者。The Democratic socialism is the revisionist of the right-wing Marxist, and also one of the representatives of socialist ideological trends. Zhang Junmai is a leader of this Socialist Ideology.