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他们的四分卫是个壮汉。Their quarterback is one tough hombre.

四分卫是他们队的关键。The quarterback was the key of their team.

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这个四分卫和野马队签了合约。The quarterback signed a contract with the Broncos.

新来的四分卫是我们未来的希望,是吗?That new quarterback is the great white hope, isn't he?

那四分卫是位了不起的球员,球技高超。The quarterback is an amazing player, with superior skills.

而且四分卫是很主要的,简直就是中锋。And the quarterback who is the main, pretty much the center,

七叶树队选定了一名年轻的新四分卫参加玫瑰杯足球赛。The buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the rose bowl.

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在球场上四分位和他的一个队友两个人撞在一起。The quarterback collided with one of his teammates on the field.

中锋的首要任务是把足球传给球队的四分卫。The center's primary role is to pass the football to the quarterback.

那中卫假装向前跑,接着突然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback.

中锋的责任是把足球传给边卫。It is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback.

因为受伤,该四分卫不参加此球季的其余场次。Due to an injury, the quarterback had to sit out the rest of the season.

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当四分卫传给外接球员时,他身旁什么人也没有。The wide receiver was wide open when the quarterback threw him the ball.

让位吧,高中橄榄球队四分卫,现在城里的新派酷哥是“极客”。Move over, high school quarterback. The geek is the new cool kid in town.

而在普渡,他扮演的锅炉工人足球队的四分卫。While at Purdue, he played quarterback for the Boilermakers football team.

超级球星四分卫布雷特·法弗的经纪人称他将退役。An agent for super star quarterback Brett Farve says his client is retiring.

超级明星四分卫布雷特法弗的经济人称他就要退休了。An agent for super star quarterback Brett Farve says his client is retiring.

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四分卫经理又把她的一堆活派给了我!The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her assignments to me, AGAIN!

这位极受欢迎的四分卫在球队获得冠军后宣布退役。The popular quarterback announced his retirement after team won the championship.

你只不过是一个小丑玩一个非常,非常坏的安乐椅四分卫。You are nothing more than a clown playing a very, very bad arm-chair quarterback.