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人孔盖在重移不动。The manhole cover is too weighty to move.

这样重大的事件谅必应进行更高级别的讨论吧?Surely such weighty matters merit a higher level of debate?

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华盛顿,或者说至少是白宫,看出了艾夫。Washington, or at least the White House, found Averell's testimony weighty.

当然,但是你可以添加自己的份量军靴,你应该喜欢。But you could, of course, add your own weighty army boots, should you prefer.

作为该辩题的正方,我意识到一些对我个人不利的重要事实。I am conscious of some weighty personal disadvantages in supporting this motion.

他向全体即将潜入敌后的人员作了一次重要的讲话。He made a weighty speech to all those who will work in the enemy-controlled areas.

当涉及到妇女的事业生涯时,父亲的影响扮演着越来越重要的角色。When it comes to women's career paths, dad's influence plays an increasingly weighty role.

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在这些重要的因素之外,你的外貌也是有影响的,特别是良好的形象。In addition to these weighty factors, your appearance also counts, in particular good grooming.

“而且,我这年轻兄弟的话里的重要意义还满有分量呢,”威尔逊牧师先生补充说。"And there is a weighty import in what my young brother hath spoken," added the Reverend Mr. Wilson.

沉重浑厚的背景更反衬出轻灵纯净的莲蓬和极具生命力的乡村儿童。The weighty background gives a clear image about those children and lotus pod, they are pure and active.

然而,爱又比世间最玄奥的事物更有质感、更有密度、更辛酸也更沉重。And yet love's more mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth's profoundest matter.

在农庄和村舍四周,黑夜拖着沉重的脚步走来,太阳已经落下,只剩下阴影笼罩。The night goes with weighty step round yard and round earth. The sun's departure leaves the woods brooding.

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解决这个问题的一个好办法就是编造一份充满了荒谬规则和条例的重要政策手册。A good way to do this is to give them a weighty policy manual filled with nonsensical rules and regulations.

巨大的铜锭,本身就是不断贬值的资产,它还是死沉死沉的“价值贮藏手段”和交换手段。Huge ingots of copper, itself a depreciating asset, were the weighty “store of value” and means of exchange.

搭配一些口味较重的食物,例如配羊肉或牛肉的沙司就非常适合该酒。Need a more weighty food to match this wine. Sauce like lamb or beef juice will work perfectly with this wine.

所以玉米穗青葱之时都挺直而立,成熟结实之后则垂下头来。So ears of corn when young and light , stand bolt upright , but hang their heads when weighty , full , and ripe.

为了轻装旅行,我总是尽量不带重的东西,但有一样有分量的东西我总是带在身边,那就是旅游手册。To travel light, I tried to avoid packing anything heavy, but one weighty item I always carried with me -- a guidebook.

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像普通公民一样,有些总统是因为责任重大比其他人更为富有。Like citizens themselves, some presidents have been richer than others as they exercised their weighty responsibilities.

如果有一天日本天皇可以摘下他沉重的皇冠,成为一个普通人,他会做些什么呢?What would the emperor of Japan do if he could shed his weighty crown for a day and roam freely among the common people?

这些经过设置的笑话经常会减弱公式方程的重量,好像学着伍迪艾伦的调调,但缺少了笑料。These attempted jokes usually fuse the weighty with the quotidian, in the manner of Woody Allen, only without the laughs.