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它们是由皮革制成的。They yare made of leather.

你为什么抓住我的包?Why yare you holding my bag?

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你怎么心情这么好?Why yare you in such a good mood?

你为什么会对这份工作感兴趣?。Why yare you interested in this job?

上份工作中你的职责是什么?。Why yare you leaving your current job?

今天不要去滑冰,冰上有危险的裂缝。There yare dangerous cracks in the ice.

为什么猪容易发生热应激?。Why yare pigs so sensitive to heat stress?

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为什么新加坡还没有加入中国?Why yare Singaporeans not joining China yet?

这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价?。Why yare there three prices quoted for this part?

为什么有肻兴趣在我们公司工作?。Why yare you interested in working for our company?

你够胖了,甜食可能是你甚至更胖。Yare heavy enough, sweets may make you even fatter.

为什么世界上有如此多无聊的废物?。Why yare there so many nonsense rubbish in this world?

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为什么我们被要求在飞机起飞和降落的时候打开遮光板呢?。Why yare werequired to pull up airplane window shades during take-off and landing?

这些国家也正在寻找可能改善他们数字监控技术的工具和策略。The yare also looking for tools and strategies that might improve their own digital surveillance.

委内瑞拉的恶魔舞者周四在圣佛南多的一座教堂外聆听弥撒,这场舞蹈象征善与恶间永恒的搏斗。Venezuelan devil dancers listen the mass outside of the church in San Francisco de Yare Venezuela Thursday. The dance symbolizes the eternal struggle between good and evil.