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他把我训斥了一顿就让我过了。He let me off with a reprimand.

即使受到最严厉的申斥,他也不发抖。After the severest reprimand , he did not tremble.

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如果没有正确佩戴红领巾的话,老师会及时的纠正。If the tie was tied incorrectly a teacher had to reprimand.

我们指责那些违规的人吧,他们有的还生气呢。"Some people get angry when we reprimand them, " Suarez said.

因为这些失败,两位上校收到了谴责信。Two colonels received letters of reprimand for those failures.

对那些鲁莽离开,忘了关闭终端的人的谴责。A reprimand to someone who incautiously left a terminal unlocked.

这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.

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当他把分数单交给父母亲看时,他们将严厉申斥他。His parents will reprimand him when he shows them his report card.

我觉得他骂得很对,所以我没办法死,就跑上来了!I felt that his reprimand was reasonable. I could not die, so I came up here!

夫此烦恼,诸佛菩萨、入理圣人,种种呵责。All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sages reprimand us and denounce our afflictions.

由于帝国陷入混乱与焦虑之中,他回避了来自帝国最高统帅部的任何申斥。With the Empire in turmoil, he avoided any reprimand from Imperial High Command.

苦口婆心,我们明知道不对,但是就是无法改,这都是圣人所呵责的。We know we are wrong, but we are unable to change. This is why the sages reprimand us.

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一位美国奥委会的发言人说,他不觉得那名官员跟运动员的谈话带有任何谴责。Darryl Seibel, a spokesman for the U. S. O. C. , said he was not aware of any reprimand.

他可以善意地批评某位官员,也可以甚至向议会提议修改某项法律。He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.

他可以温和地指责一个官员,或者甚至建议议会修改法律条款。He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be alltered.

在美国,5秒钟内就会有很多人喝止其大声打电话。In America most people would reprimand this man and tell him to shut up within 5 seconds.

恭敬地迎接丈夫就是想方设法避免在他情绪不好时遭到斥责。Meeting the man deferentially is try every means avoid to suffer reprimand when his mood is bad.

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如果孩子做了一些搞笑但又不合规矩的事情,你该如何斥责孩子呢?How do you reprimand your children when they do something that's funny, yet still against the rules?

我不太喜欢斥责员工,但当他们工作表现不够好时,我必须这样做。I don't like to give reprimands , but if an employee's work performance isn't good, I must reprimand her.

没有任何军官或者士兵被提起刑事诉讼,尽管其中一些人的确收到了“行政谴责”。No criminal charges were brought against any officer, although some did receive an "administrative reprimand".