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DHCP用户端电脑,会在网段当中使用IP广播来找寻DHCP伺服器。DHCP clients use IP broadcasts to find the DHCP server on the segment.

提出了基于线程池技术DHCP服务器模型,并给出了实现方法。In this paper we present a DHCP server model that is based upon thread pool technique.

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当你带着你的笔记本到处乱逛的时候,处于某处的一台DHCP服务器已经动态地分配了一个临时IP地址给你的笔记本了。When you do so, somewhere a DHCP server has dynamically allocated a temporary IP address to your laptop.

这一群IP住址可以专用于单一的逻辑IP子网路当中,如此将允许多台DHCP伺服器同时回应用户端的要求,并且用户电脑可以随时移动。Pools are dedicated to an individual logical IP subnet. This allows multiple DHCP servers to respond and IP clients to be mobile.

VPN服务器可能无法从DHCP获得分配个VPN客户端IP地址。因此,你须要重新配置VPN主机的网络设置。The VPN server may not be able to get IP from DHCP for the VPN client. So, you may want to re-configure VPN host networking settings.

如果在某些情况下,DHCP服务是关闭的,我们可以通过使用全局配置命令开启。If for some reason the DHCP server process becomes disabled, it can be re-enabled by using the service dhcp global configuration command.

这对一些SOHO族也就是小办公室或者是家庭办公室的用户非常的方便,因为这些家庭用户只是希望能够用到DHCP和NAT的优点,但他们却没有专用的NT或Unix主机。This is useful in small offices and home offices where the home user can take advantage of DHCP and NAT without having an NT or UNIX server.

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根据电子衍射理论,计算了这种相的结构因子并得出了其消光规律。In this paper, structural factor of the dhcp was calculated on basis of the electron diffraction theory and the forbidden reflection law was discussed.

目前本地局域网大多使用高速公共因特网接入技术和高速调制器,并使用动态主机配置协议分配用户的主机地址。Nowadays, most of local area network adopt high-speed public Internet access and modem, DHCP is used to allocate the host network addresses dynamically.

这可用于防止试图破坏DHCP绑定数据库的攻击,并对进入交换机端口的DHCP流量限速。This can be used to prevent attacks that attempt to poison the DHCP binding database, and to rate-limit the amount of DHCP traffic that enters a switch port.

概述了以前实现冗余DHCP服务器的缺点,详细描述了实现DHCP服务冗余的新思路。It also covers the shortcomings in the former implementation redundancy on DHCP Server with emphasis on new ideas of how to implement redundancy on DHCP Server.

文中提出了基于线程池技术DHCP服务器的设计思想,提出了动态调整线程池大小的可行算法。In this paper we present a DHCP server model that is based upon thread pool technique, and bring forth an available arithmetic to adjust the size of the thread pool.

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将多线程技术应用到DHCP服务器,用线程池机制实现DHCP服务器是当前提高DHCP服务器效率一种很有效的方法。Applying multithread technology to DHCP server and realize it by the thread pool mechanism is a very effective method which improves DHCP server's performance at present.

IP地址的编码和重编码问题被通过一个新的自动配置方法解决了。这个方案将不需要DHCP和手动IP寻址。IP-address numbering and renumbering issues have been solved through a new autoconfiguration technique. This scheme will eliminate the need for DHCP and manual IP addressing.

介绍DHCP在园区网络中的应用,详细阐述利用DHCP中继代理实现跨网段的IP地址自动配置。This paper introduces the application of DHCP in the campus network, and describes in details the realization of IP auto-configuration of cross-network segment with DHCP relay agent.