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这是一个非常偏远的地区。It is a very remote area.

遥感技术能帮上忙吗?Could remote sensing help?

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敏捷也适用于远程团队。Agile works in remote teams.

我犹有遥控汽車。I have a remote control car.

室利阿罗频多则是非常遥远。Sri Aurobindo was very remote.

标准苹果远程控制?A standard Apple remote control?

这是英国最边远的岛屿了。No British island is more remote.

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缸体加热器优于遥控启动器Block heaters beat remote starters

遥控器该换新电池了?Need new batteries for your remote?

二者都同样是遥远和空虚的。Both are equally remote and vacuous.

他曾住在一个偏僻的山村里。He used to live in a remote village.

遥修战列队是如何运作的!How remote repping battleships work!

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我正?谑褂靡桓鲈冻?NFS文件系统。I am using a remote NFS file system.

设置遥控控制,50米内库门开关自如。With remote control within 50 meters.

深山中,动物过着神仙的生活。In remote mountain, animal deity life.

你的车能远程无钥匙进入吗?Does your car have remote keyless entry?

她喜欢到远处冒险。She likes adventuring in a remote place.

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当然,看吧,这是摇控器。Sure, go ahead. Here's the remote control.

这里也是多贡部落的生活的偏僻地方。This is where the remote Dogon tribe lives.

总湜将远程对象放在类库里。Always put remote objects in class libraries.