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但是真正的目的是为了理解一瓶酒,而不仅只是拆穿它的真实身份。But the real goal is to understand a wine , not to unmask it.

维基解密正在致力于向全世界揭示这个腐败的中央银行体系。Wikileaks is also working to unmask this corrupt central-banking system.

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你可以抵抗恶意,你可以揭下它的面具,或者凭借力量来防止它。You can protest against malice, you can unmask it or prevent it by force.

揭发实证论的一切谬见,因而驳斥它们,这是认识论的任务。It is the task of epistemology to unmask the fallacies of positivism and to refute them.

我们躲,是因为我们害怕面具被揭开,害怕人们看清楚我们的真面目。We hide because we are afraid to unmask ourselves and let people see us for who we really are.

谁也不知道,什么时间,什么地方会突然冒出神出鬼没的凶残的敌人。No one knew at what moment, or in what place, a secret and murderous enemy might unmask himself.

利用一切可以利用的手段,以帮助在您的追求,以揭露邪恶的根源困扰的土地。Use all means available to help in your quest to unmask the source of evil that plagues the land.

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现在移动生态系统所做的只是揭开了被遮盖的现实——后端很重要。What the mobile ecosystems of today have done is to unmask the reality that it’s the back end that matters.

这是国家邮政局无线监控,将控制开支,并会揭露移动数据的最大流量的消费者。It's SPB Wireless Monitor that will control mobile data spending and will unmask the biggest traffic-consumers.

迈克尔杰克逊的母亲已经做了一个郑重的决定使孩子们摘掉面具好让他们更正常的生活。Michael Jackson's mother has made a conscious decision to "unmask" his children so they can have a more normal life.

新的绝对节日礼物包装可以帮助您揭露普通和揭示了魅力和神奇的内每晚。The new ABSOLUT HOLIDAY GIFT PACK helps you unmask the ordinary and reveal the glamour and magic inside every night.

Google和Viacom都辩称这两种信息并不足以确定单个用户的真实身份。Both companies have argued that such data cannot be used to unmask the identities of individual users with certainty.

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结论在慢性冠脉狭窄中,虽然双嘧达莫和多巴酚丁胺对MBV的影响不同,但它们诱出MBF储备的程度相近。Conclusion Although the effect of dipyridamole and dobutamine on MBV is different, they unmask MBF reserve to a similar extent.

警官、店主和一个好奇的邻居上楼去逮捕他。经过一番搏斗,陌生人同意摘除假面具。The constable, the landlord, and a curious neighbor went upstairs to arrest the lodger. After a struggle, the man agreed to unmask.

他们拆开手机外壳,开始分析这一新型号机器的内部组件,试图揭开苹果公司主要供应商的身份。They cracked open the phone’s shell and started analyzing the new model’s components, trying to unmask the identity of Apple’s main suppliers.

他告诉说,要揭露不信教科学家思想的实质,最好的办法就是展示他们立论的基础如何不能为科学方法所证明。He shows that the best way to unmask the thought of non-believing scientists is to show how the basis for their reasoning cannot be proven scientifically.

在那里,按年龄和酒精,不能总是以区别于虚构事实不清,万德来面对面与女人谁的知识,揭露他,卡斯克奥夫。There, muddled by age and alcohol, unable always to distinguish fact from fiction, Vander comes face to face with the woman who has the knowledge to unmask him, Cass Cleave.

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本论文试图通过后殖民主义这一新的视角来揭示奥布莱恩作品中隐藏的殖民意识。This thesis is an effort, from a new perspective of postcolonial theory, to unmask O"Brien"s colonial ideologies cloaked in Going After Cacciato and The Things They Carried.

最终,为GREAT奖所开发的电脑程序将被用于揭开暗物质和黑暗能量的面纱,帮助科学家明白构成宇宙95%以上物质的真实面目。Ultimately, the computer programs developed for the GREAT challenge will be used to help unmask dark matter and dark energy, the mysterious stuff that makes up 95 percent of the universe.

为了揭露政府控制的真实嘴脸,并展现在经典自由主义语境下个人主义的优越性,我们必须结束这场毒品战争。To unmask the true nature of government control and to demonstrate the superiority of individualism within a classical-liberal environment, we must make ending the war on drugs a priority.