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你的意思是主持婚姻。You mean officiate the marriage.

是的,罗切斯特牧师将主持婚礼。Right. Revd Rochester will officiate at the wedding.

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弗里克·伯格将担任阿根廷队对苏格兰队比赛的裁判。Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland.

她想要哪一个神父主持她的婚礼?Which priest would she like to officiate at her wedding?

结婚仪式的主持则是一名来自新德里的梵学家。A pandit was brought from New Delhello to officiate at the wedding.

温迪。汤姆斯。第一个职业比赛的女裁判。Wendy Toms, the first female referee to officiate in a professional game.

牧师柯林斯先生将要在教堂为简主持婚礼。Mr. Collins, the priest, is going to officiate Jane's wedding at the church.

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我们有法律保护和激励本土主持报告我们的活动。We have Law-protecting Officiate and Inspired Minor to report our activities.

明天由匈牙利裁判执法中-俄足球赛。The referee from Hungary will officiate the football match between China and Russia tomorrow.

我们很高兴香港特区政府民政事务局局长曾德成先生将莅临为主礼嘉宾。Tsang Tak-sing, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government to officiate the Opening Ceremony.

他被认为是世界最好的裁判,他这次将在波尔图执法周日的A组比赛。The man regarded as the best referee in the world will officiate the Group A game in Porto on Saturday.

有一次在一月份,我在我的社区连续两天主持两位老年妇女的葬礼。One January, I had to officiate at two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community.

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承蒙政务司司长唐英年先生今天莅临主持奠基仪式,深感荣幸。Today, we are most delighted to have the Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, to officiate.

会长洪茂诚先生BBM在武术比赛的第一天8月13日亲临会场,为这一年一度的武术盛会掀开序幕。Ang Mong Seng, BBM officiate the opening ceremony on the 1st day of Wushu competitions on 13 August 2008 and the Chairman Mr.

自1187年该墓已被物业的穆斯林政府,但授权基督教徒担任它的雇员。Since 1187 the tomb has been the property of the Muslim Government which nevertheless authorizes the Christians to officiate in it.

持续时间大约90分钟的婚礼将由理查德·加里奥特主持,他本人就是一名太空旅行家和冒险家,其父亲也曾是一名宇航员。Space tourist and adventurer Richard Garriott, the son of an astronaut, will officiate at the ceremony during the 90-minute flight.

大主母没有专门从事主持仪式、引导信徒、通过祈祷获得法术或类似活动的正规牧师。The Great Mother does not have regular priests who officiate at rituals, lead the faithful, gain spells through prayer, and the like.

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不过,僧侣并不为在俗教徒施行圣礼,也没有主持洗礼或婚礼的惯例。Monks, however, do not normally perform sacramental rituals for the laity, and would not normally officiate at baptisms and marriages.

今天在这里为医院管理局第六届研讨大会主持开幕典礼,我感到十分荣幸和高兴。It is my great honour and pleasure to be here today to officiate at the Opening Ceremony of the Hospital Authority's sixth Annual Convention.

排名最高的一级裁判员可选派为完成裁判员和仲裁委员会的艺术裁判阻力或难度裁判专家。The highest ranked Category I judges can be selected to officiate as Execution and Artistry Assistants or Difficulty Experts on the Superior Jury.