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他是同僚中的落伍者。He is a fellow straggler in.

有的时候,生活是迷途,而我是一个流浪者。Sometimes, life is a struggle, and I am a straggler.

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战栗罢!因为有烟从北而来,在她的队伍中没有落伍者。For there comes a smoke from the north, without a straggler in the ranks.

但是,目前我国在旅游服务贸易领域与发达国家的差距还很大。But China is still a straggler in this area compare with the area of trade of goods now.

但是,仍然没有直接证据能够确切地说明一颗特定的蓝离散星是如何形成的。But there's still no direct evidence that shows exactly how an individual blue straggler was formed.

我承认在这方面我是个落后者,但我对自己的梦想的东西从不轻言放弃。I admit I am the straggler in this regard but I will never say die to anything included in my dream.

出于命运之神的玩笑,跑在最后的人名叫尤洛特,在弗里曼语里意思正好是“敬爱的掉队者”。Bya quirk of fate, the last runner was called Ulot, which in the Frementongue means "Beloved Straggler."

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这些恒星太过拥挤,有时发生相互猛烈的撞击,甚至会形成新的恒星,我们称之为“蓝色游荡者”。Thesestars are so crowded that they can, at times, slam into each other andeven form a new star, called a "blue straggler."

他可能会经过邻居门前的桔子树、棕榈树和篱笆,紧密的街道和不合传统的房子,还有只有一个最底层的人才能激起它们狂吠的几只狗。He might pass through a becoming neighborhood with orange trees and palms and hedges, tight streets and nonconformist houses, where a single straggler can rouse half a dozen dog barks.

某位来了我们教会不久的女士,发现了一个害羞的年青女孩,于是她特别关顾引导这个「离群」的青年团契成员,她的鼓励使这女孩得到生命活力。A woman who attends our church had been coming for a short while when she spied a shy teenage girl. She took this youth group "straggler" under her gentle wing. She poured life into her.