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甚至在晚上,它示范它的阔和率先。Even at night , it demonstrates its broadness and initiative.

走进商场,立刻有一种疏朗通透、宽敞明亮的感觉。Entering the Mall, you can feel its clearness, broadness and brightness.

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人到中年就是思想的宽度和腰围的纤度对调。Middle age is when broadness of mind and narrowness of waist change places.

阿哈罗年说,「以侵犯先前发明的角度来看,这项专利差劲的地方在于包含太广。It is the broadness of the claims in light of prior art that makes this patent bad.

不如阔达的心态,平静、悠然的面对一切。As the mentality of the broadness amounts to, and calm, and carefree with everything.

而可视角度更是达到了水平、垂直双170,相当的宽广。But the visible angle has achieved horizontal, the vertical pair 170, suitable broadness.

换上新装的太阳也变的温柔阔雅,楚楚动人。The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely.

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这些事件的同时发生是由于当前这场危机产生了前所未有的深远影响。The synchronicity of these events is what gives the crisis its unprecedented broadness and depth.

不如阔达的心态,人生在世,无非是让人笑笑,偶尔也笑笑别人。As the broadness amounts to nothing, mentality, life is to let people laughing, occasionally also smile.

他用笔坦然利落,一挥而就,从而显现出了道家文化的博大精深。His brushwork is unperturbed, neat and swift, showing the broadness and profoundness of the Taoist culture.

农业工程内容的广泛和所具有的综合性是由农业产业的性质决定的。The broadness and the comprehensiveness of Agricultural Engineering are determined by the nature of Agriculture.

我能够通过网络为我的研究广泛收集意见和观点,这就是一个摆在我们面前的例子。Presented here is an example of the broadness of views and opinion which I was able to gather from my research on the Net.

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“知识集合论”的概念具有模糊性、宽泛性,因此对图书馆缺乏专指性。Because of the distinctness and broadness of the concept of knowledge set theory, it does not disclose the essence of libraries.

特别让人忧虑的是界定的宽泛,因为私企有权在议案之外行动。The broadness of the definition is particularly worrisome because private companies are given a right to take action under the bill.

在分配地主的财物时,党的工作队鼓励“心胸开阔”,每个家庭只拿他们所需要的。In dividing up the landlord's property, the Party team encouraged "broadness of mind" and that each household take only what they needed.

明亮的玻璃家具带给我们阔亮的视觉效果,带我们走出封闭的、暗淡的、死气沉沉的居室格局。Bright vitreous furniture brings us the visual result with bright broadness , take us to walk out of close, dim, inanimate bedroom pattern.

低压配电网络面向广大的低压电力用户,具有数量多,覆盖面广等特点。The low voltage distribution net orients to the vast low voltage customers that are in great number and disperse in a broadness load center.

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以拍摄时间与空间广度、以作品的系统性和密集性来衡量的话,可以说,在这个题材上,刘博智的成就迄今无人企及。In view of the broadness of time and space, the consistency and the density of his work, Lau's achievement is second to none on this subject.

最后一点的复杂性和广度非常大,如果不研究具体项目的详细信息,几乎不可能证明它。The complexity and broadness of the last point make it nearly impossible to prove, without looking into the details of your specific project.

红卍字会的永久慈业继承了传统民间社会救助事业的特点,种类齐全,分布广泛。It inherited the characteristics of completeness in variety and broadness in distribution from the traditional folk social redemptive enterprise.