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我们计划将社交性渗透到雅虎的每一个方面。We plan to pervade good-fellowship each aspect of Yahoo.

自信、有力和高亢感漫溢。Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.

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平板电脑较新且刚刚开始蔓延于市场。Tablets are newer and just beginning to pervade the market.

性行业到处是术语和法律虚拟。Technicalities and legal fictions pervade the sex industry.

但是,网络上对于女性的歧视仍然屡见不鲜。However, biases against women still pervade many places on the Internet.

表象派作家生动的,坚定的标语和现代主义作者遍及街头的风趣画作。Expressionist graphics, decisive slogans and modernist wit pervade these images.

你也将拥有一个平和心境,去面对各种起伏。You may also develop an undercurrent of peace that will pervade any state you’re in.

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那时可不像现在,如今我的生活完全被各种日程安排所操纵。Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that now pervade my life.

我们的时间一起似乎全无的那为自党利益改划选举区分现在弥漫我的生活的时间表。Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that now pervade my life.

“我们试图让这个‘填充物’的理念渗透到各个尺度的设计当中,”维表示。"We try to make this 'infill' concept pervade the design across all scales, " Mr. Wee said.

它已预报了大量的云将在未来几周内充满你们的天空。It has introduced the nature of clouds that you can expect to pervade your skies in the coming weeks.

一旦这个现象发生,将会产生恶性的负债水平,并蔓延到整个经济体。When this phenomenon occurs, it produces a pernicious level of debt to pervade throughout the economy.

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每当我看到他时,我总见他聚精会神,专心致志,好像有一种深沉的宁静,永远笼罩在他的身心周围。Whenever I looked on him his spirit seemed to be in prayer, a deep peace to pervade him within and without.

神秘的暗物质被认为充斥着整个宇宙,这个特性使其逃避天体物理学家们的追踪达数十年之久。The identity of the mysterious dark matter thought to pervade the universe has eluded astrophysicists for decades.

现在充斥着年轻人的生活的玩意,iphone和其他类似的东西,是令人困惑的“黑匣子”——对大多数人而言是纯粹的魔术。The gadgets that now pervade young people's lives, iPhones and suchlike, are baffling "black boxes" – pure magic to most people.

绘画应像音乐一样能够深入人的灵魂,不然的话,那就只是一件蠢笨的手工艺品。原文。Painting should pervade the soul in the same way, and as long as it does not do this it is nothing more than a brainless handicraft.

另一方面,人类显然在内心深处有一种需求,想要一次次地去回顾那些有关自我奋斗的论说中无所不在的问题和概念。On the other hand, there is obviously a deep human need to return again and again to the issues and concepts that pervade self-help literature.

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另一方面,人类显然在内心深处有一种需求,想要一次次地去回顾那些有关自我奋斗的论述中无所不在的问题和概念。On the other hand, there is obviously a deep human need to return again and again to the issues and concepts that pervade self-help literature.

诗歌不再是话语权的象征,而变身为“戏仿”的工具,越来越浓重的人间味弥漫开来。Poetry remains no longer the symbol of speech privilege, but turns into the tool of parodying , and more and more air of humanity begins to pervade.

尽管这一趋势持续渗透数个过程行业,但食品饮料板块正在逐步采用人机解决方案。While this trend continues to pervade several process industries, the food and beverage sector is gradually giving in to the allure of HMI solutions.