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它们被非常精巧地排在一起。The list is very cunningly put together.

他们狡滑地玩弄假和平的把戏。They cunningly played the game of sham peace.

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造物主巧妙地把他们设计得令人无法抗拒。Nature has cunningly designed them to be irresistible.

就像多恩说的那样,每首诗都是一个精心制造的小世界。Well, the poem is, as John Donne puts it, a little world made cunningly.

不过这两个人很狡猾,他们和学生双打,打出好球的时候还击掌庆贺。This time the pair cunningly played pupils and high-fived their best shots.

我们从生到死,都在秘密地或处心积虑地,甚至明目张胆地追求快感。From childhood until death we are secretly, cunningly or obviously pursuing pleasure.

你的手镯真是美丽,镶着星辰,精巧地嵌着五光十色的珠宝。Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels.

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“当然,夫人,”安德鲁舅舅狡猾地说,“我必须让两个孩子抓着我。"Certainly, Madam, " said Uncle Andrew cunningly. "I must have both the children touching me.

在她的脸上的表达看满足的和当她几乎完成的,她眨眼对我狡猾地。The expression on her face looked complacent and when she almost finished , she blinked to me cunningly.

英国法庭在分配财产时是比较狠的,甚至是当财产被巧妙地储存在海外时也是如此。English courts are ferocious in dividing up assets, even when they have been cunningly squirrelled away offshore.

左翼印度人怀疑他为大商人阶级狡猾地在阶级斗争中获利。Left-wing Indians suspected that he was cunningly preëmpting class conflict on behalf of India’s big businessmen.

他们很狡猾地把教条说成是一种终极的声明,教义则是某种不断进步的事情,就这样把两者分开。They cunningly distinguished between dogma as a final statement, and doctrine which was something always progressing.

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他轻巧地待在坐位上,可爱的人们在他身旁,然后开始摇动起来,一个伟大的发明就诞生了。He cunningly laid the way to the seat, charming people to his side and cranking out one great invention after the next.

觉得赶到,李启带来如此狡猾地在书中对生命的字符,通过一个时间表,绑议程。The characters that Nicholls brought so cunningly to life in the book feel rushed through a timeline, tied to an agenda.

有一幅放大了的照片很能引会心一笑,照片里,被仔细画上的裂纹狡猾地模仿了古老画作的外表。A blown-up photograph of carefully painted crackle marks that cunningly c the look of centuries-old paint elicits a smile.

在第六大街的拐角处,灯火通明、陈设精巧的大玻璃橱窗内的商品尤其诱人注目。At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights and cunningly displayed wares behind plate-glass made a shop window conspicuous.

在负有狡猾地摆布他人以谋取个人最大利益的名声的物种里,脸红非常难予以解释。In a species with a reputation for cunningly manipulating others to maximise personal gain, blushing is pretty difficult to explain.

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这个埃及人非常狡猾地利用了伊俄涅的主要弱点,极其巧妙地用毒箭射中了她的自尊心。Most cunningly had the egyptian appealed to ione's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride.

我们喜欢精巧地建成和工艺配合完美而又不浪费的建筑物,由此可见,我们能够表现得绝对精确和完美。We're like buildings, cunningly made and crafted to fit together perfectly and without waste so we can perform with absolute precision.

为了确保航行安全,船员们必须记住或精确地预测出河水水域的深度和潜在的障碍。Steamboat pilots had to memorize or cunningly estimate the depths and potential obstacles along long stretches of river in order to navigate safely.