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将扰流板安装在后轮上。Install spoiler on rear wheel.

另一个办法是玩拆墙脚的把戏。Another way was to play spoiler.

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安装后扰流板的顶罩。Install top cover of rear spoiler.

拧紧扰流板和附加翼子板。Screw on spoiler and additional wing.

每一部分将在本指南中的扰流板。Every part of this guide will be in spoiler.

固定板保留在后扰流板上。The retainer plate remains on the rear spoiler.

当一个扰流片扬起的时候,另一边的机翼就会下降。When a spoiler is raised, the wing on that side drops.

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在每个伺服控制器活塞杆上安装扰流板保险卡箍。SPOILER is installed on the piston rod of each servo-control.

在美国的很多地方,天气会对观测造成障碍。The weather could be a spoiler for many in the United States.

这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler.

拆下后扰流板的橡胶套并松开胶带。Remove rubber sleeve from rear spoiler and unwind the adhesive tape.

还有,车头前的外挂空气动力套件让你感觉你的车非常地快是吗?And that bolt-on trunk-lid spoiler that makes you feel fast and furious?

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它不只是一个扰流警报,但是你用了41年来看这个电影。This is more of a spoiler alert, but you've had 41 years to see this movie.

独特的导流板外型设计,提高在高速驾驶时的刮拭表现,消除风阻及刮拭噪音。Unique design for the spoiler improves wipe and cut off the chatter and noisy.

在前面的扰流板有一个头灯,它可以被删除的功能作为一个手电筒。The front of the spoiler has a headlight, it can be removed to function as a flashlight.

我不知道应该怎么形容露迪雅的脸色,除非我爆一个重要的剧透。I have no words to describe the look on Lucretia's face without giving away a major spoiler.

我们可以施加压力来确保叙利亚不在该地区扮演破坏分子的角色。We could use pressure to make sure that Syria doesn't play the role of spoiler in the region.

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就诱导出有固定频率的分离涡。As soon as the spoiler oscillates, induced vortices with definite frequencies appear downstream.

一个办法是把钢铁厂整合在一起作为一个谈判联盟。另一个办法是从中搅局。One way was to group steel mills together as a negotiating bloc. Another way was to play spoiler.

此外,一位“非基层”的共和党人,约翰·麦凯恩参议员,显然扮演着破坏者的角色。Furthermore, one non-rank-and-file Republican, Senator John McCain, is apparently playing spoiler.